WP3 Preservation Roadmap Borje Justrell Riksarkivet (National Archives of Sweden)
Table of content Objectives of WP 3 Partners in WP3 The overall work plan The first 6 months: Task 3.1, Task 3.2, Task 3.3 Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 2
Objectives of WP 3 To identify key characteristics and requirements for a preservation Roadmap for DCH To develop a registry of services and tools To investigate how Infrastructure as Service can contribute to digital preservation services for DCH To design and validate the preservation Roadmap for DCH Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 3
Objectives of WP 3 To explore the state of the art in cultural heritage and e-infrastructure, and interoperability principles for digital preservation in order to inform the two communities about their other´s practice To consider how standards and interoperability principles can be adopted by the cultural heritage and e-infrastructure communities in order to maximise their potential benefits
Partners in WP 3 RA – Riksarkivet, Sweden: WP leader and leader of Task 3.1 and Task 3.5 ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche BELSPO – Service Public Federal de Programmation Politique Scientifique, Belgium EVKM - Eesti Vabariigi Kultuuriministeerium, Estonia CT – Collections Trust, United Kingdom: Leader of Task 3.2 PROMOTER – Promoter SRL, Italy PSNC - Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN, Poland: Leader of Task 3.3 NIIFI – Nemzeti Informacios Infrastruktura Fejlesztesi Irod, Hungary : Leader of Task 3.4 EDItEUR - Editeur Limited, United Kingdom
The overall work plan M 1 - 12 Task 3.2 (M1-9) Standards and interoperability Task 3.3 (M1-12) Registry of services and tools Task 3.1 (M1-6) Pres services architecture Task 3.4 (M1-12) Infrastructure as a Service Task 3.5 D3.2 (M9) Stand and interoper best practice report D3.3 (M12) Registry of services D3.1 (M6) Study on RP Task 3.5 WP 5
The overall work plan M12 - 24 Task 3.5 (M6-24) Design a pres infrastructure för DCH D3.2 (M9), D3.3 (M12) and results from task 3.4 (M12) D3.4 (M15) Intermediate ver of the Roadmap D3.5 (M24) Final version of the Roadmap D5.3 (M12) Report on the first proof of concept D3.1 D5.4 (M21) Report on sec proof of concept WP 4 D4.1 - 4.3 M18 -21) WP 5
Milestones MS6 Roadmap study completed Del date M6 MS7 Intermediate version of the Roadmap finalised Del date M15 MS8 Feedbacks gathered and analysed Del date M21 MS9 Final Roadmap finalised Del date M24
The first 6 months: Task 3.1 Preservation services architecture Action plan Update the DC-Net report (also using results from the Indicate project) Create a DP service architecture for a grid provider (using the gateway designed by the Indicate project) Do a gap analysis between the existing services and the would-be DP services on the GRID (needed also for Task 3.3 Registry of tools) Produce deliverable D3.1 Study on a Roadmap for preservation
Task 3.2 – Standards and interoperability Lead Partner – Collections Trust Length – Months 1 – 9 Objectives: To consider how standards and interoperability principles can be adopted by the cultural heritage and e-Infrastructure communities in order to maximise their potential benefits; Identify and report on the emerging and established standards with a fairly large numbers of users in the digital cultural heritage and e-Infrastructure communities.
Research area levels International or EC (e.g. ATHENA; Linked Heritage, DL.org); National (e.g. Collections Link; JISC); Regional and organisational level. It will identify useful and key: Tools; Workflows; Approaches; Solutions; Demonstrators, and applications.
Digital cultural heritage standards Technical – for content on image, text, audio, video and 3D types; Metadata and data interchange, and linked data – in the museum, libraries, archives, and audio-visual domains; Persistent Identifiers – for digital content, original objects, collections, organisations, persons, periods and events, and places; Intellectual Property Rights – and other associated rights.
e-Infrastructures standards User management – single sign-on, security, group management; Persistent Identifiers; User support; Virtualisation; Data analysis; High performance computing and data preservation.
Interoperability Technical – using technical standards; Semantic – using common vocabularies; Political/ Human – overcoming the barriers; Inter-community – recognising differences; Legal – following legal restraints; International – recognising barriers caused by cultural and linguistic differences.
Task 3.3 – Registry of services and tools (1) Purpose: to help CH institutions (+citizen scientists?) to find solutions and tools to address issues related to digital cultural heritage preservation to collect the state-of-the art, up-to-date knowledge in one place, and provide it to interested stakeholders Possible forms: Web portal with static and dynamic content + search facilities Static part: peer-reviewed? (WP3 participants, DCH-RP participants and associated partners) registry of services use-cases & success stories How-to’s and cook-books? Implementation: public wiki? Dynamic part: news on data preservation tools and services, related technologies etc. Announcements of meetings, conferences etc. related to tools and services for DP (workshops, hand-on’s, summer schools etc.) ‚Blog’ space? 15 15
Task 3.3 – Registry of services and tools (2) Open issues: T3.3 (M1-12) -> D3.3 „Registry of services” (M12) PSNC is coordinating Task 3.3: Contribution from other partners needed! Estimated indicative PMs devoted to deliverable: 10 PMs; PSNC PMs: 2PMs Contribution/collaboration from/with other partners Registry should be as complete as possible Task 3.3 depends on T3.2 and T3.1: T3.1.: Preservation services architecture, (M1-6), led by: RA (RIKSARKIVET) T3.2.: Standards and interoperability, (M1-9), lead by: CT (Collections Trust) 16 16
Borje Justrell, Gordon McKenna, Maciej Brzezniak borje Borje Justrell, Gordon McKenna, Maciej Brzezniak borje.justrell@riksarkivet.se Rome, 8/10/2012 Kick-off meeting - 17