Where is this sight from? Opera House Australia
Do you know any other island countries? The Philippines Great Britain Japan Indonesia New Zealand Malaysia
Can you guess which island it is?
Unit 18 New Zealand Reading
What do you expect to know about New Zealand? History Climate Natural beauty Geography (Para.4) (Para.2) (Para.3) (Para.1)
The map of New Zealand North island South island Pacific ocean Tasman sea Wellington Auckland Christchurch Queenstown Auckland TASMAN SEA North Island Wellington South Island Queenstown Christchurch PACIFIC OCEAN
Read Para.2 and answer the following questions: Q1:What’s the main type of climate? Q2:What are the seasons like? New Zealand has a mild sea climate,while the north is subtropical. The summer is from December to February, and the winter is from June to August.
What landscapes can we see in New Zealand? Deep blue sea Bay/harbor Sand beach Green hills and mountains Volcanoes Hot springs Kiwi
The history of New Zealand 1000 years ago The Maori Came to there; named it Aotearoa Around 1421 Chinese sailors Discovered it 1642 The Dutchman Abel Tasman Named the islands New Zealand 1769 Captain James Coop Took possession of NZ. British people started to settler in it.
Complete the following chart and try to retell the passage: Location Capital Size Climate Seasons Natural beauty National bird Settlers Off the eastern coast of Australia Welling ton The same as Japan Mild sea climate;subtropical in the north Summer (Dec.---Feb). Winter (June---Aug). Deep blue sea, Bay/harbor; Sand beach, Green hills and mountains, Volcanoes, Hot springs, Kiwi Kiwi (cannot fly) Earliest---the Maori Later---Europeans (British)