CH00104-1 555 Main South Rd (north) ~Image1:uid_panel:PANELPHOTOS:2~ ~Image2:uid_panel:MapClose:3~ ~Image3:uid_panel:MapFar:4~ CH00104-1 555 Main South Rd (north) Christchurch Description Features This site is a gateway site located on the very edge of Christchurch city and targets all traffic heading north on State Highway 1 into Christchurch. Traffic travelling from South Canterbury, Dunedin, Queenstown, Wanaka and the lake district. The site is just before a major intersection which is also a turn off to Akaroa. This is the first billboard site entering Christchurch. DAILY VISUALS BILLBOARD SIZE FLOODLIT MONTHLY RENTAL INSTALL 16,500 6 x 3m Yes $5,500 $395