Alannah Criswell, Yafiet Abraha Period 2 Manifest Destiny Alannah Criswell, Yafiet Abraha Period 2
Manifest Destiny Paths
Beginning of Manifest Destiny The country had been from Mississippi River to Atlantic Ocean After War of 1812, Americans experienced a wave of extreme nationalism and unity Louisiana was being explored and moved into by some After Louisiana Purchase in 1803, boundaries were from Rocky mountains to Atlantic Ocean excluding Texas Beginning of Manifest Destiny
Why did Manifest Destiny begin? The Christian U. S. citizens wanted to convert the Natives to the West to Christianity The U. S. citizens wanted to gain wealth, better trade, land, and resources The term began with John Sullivan’s article about Texas’s annexation With Manifest Destiny, the U. S. believed that it had complete rights to all land on the continent Why did Manifest Destiny begin?
U. S. before Mexican-American War, land gained from Louisiana Purchase
Mexican Land Bought by U.S.
The Mexican-American War The war began in 1846 with U. S. beginning war, and Mexico only wanting to negotiate War began because U. S. believed strongly in Manifest Destiny and because of Texas’s rebellion against Mexican government President James Polk was leader of war and led from capitol War lasted about two years, from 1846 to 1848, signed a Treaty in favor of U. S. The Mexican-American War
The Mexican-American War Was the first major war in which U. S. used both land and water attacks U. S. had 8,000 in army, and Mexico had 60,000 in army The causes of the war were Manifest Destiny and the rebellion in Texas against the Mexican government Nicholas Trist was the diplomat sent to end the war but stayed after being called back to U. S. by Polk and eventually ended war The Mexican-American War
Mexican-American War tied to Manifest Destiny At the end of the war, U. S. gained Texas and 525,000 square miles of what is currently Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming Mexico didn’t declare war until U. S. invaded; it was the U. S.’s war against Mexico U. S wanted to expand boundaries because of its birthrate and immigration rate There had been two depressions before and the cheapest place to live was the frontiers Mexican-American War tied to Manifest Destiny Video about Mexican-American War, History of Manifest Destiny in 1800s, Manifest Destiny Illustration
President James Polk came up with “54˚, 40 or Fight” to make Oregon Territory 54 degrees, 40 minutes latitude Treaty of 1818 created joint occupation of Oregon Dispute in North happened between U.S. and Great Britain The Oregon Territory was made of present day Oregon, Idaho, Washington, part of Alaska, and western Canada Great Britain had powerful navy, but U. S.’s passion for manifest destiny set them in “Oregon Fever” 54˚, 40’ or Fight
At the same time the Southern U. S At the same time the Southern U.S. border was being fought over with Mexico, Northwestern territory of U.S. (Oregon Territory) was being disputed between the U.S. and Great Britain This conflict was similar to the one in Texas with Mexico Prior dual occupation of the area was created in the Treaty of 1818 54˚, 40’ or Fight
American settlers outnumbered British settlers, six to one, by the late 1830s The sense of national pride from Manifest Destiny, was compared later to the Nazi Lebensraum by Friedrich Ratzel Two legislatures, both partially relying on sources from American policies for abstract justification on their expansion policies 54˚, 40’ or Fight
James Marshall noticed gold flecks at Sutter’s Mill in California on January 1848 Over 80,000 Forty-Niners moved to American West Ghost Towns existed when some stories of gold findings were untrue Miners fought, and land began being restricted to only American whites Gold in California
German geographer/ethnographer who was the progenitor of the term Lebensraum in the sense of natural German expansion Compared Manifest Destiny in U.S. to Nazi expansion American land had always been associated with power, and European and African land (as an example) was more associated with people and customs Friedrich Ratzel
Friedrich Ratzel’s Comparison Between Hitler and Polk
Raymond Wood Move Director, Screenwriter, and Writer Believes that country was expanded to become more wealthy, and most of the official choice of Manifest Destiny lies with Thomas Jefferson “Perhaps no one read the book more intently than that nation’s recently elected president, Thomas Jefferson, for the volume contained nothing less than a blueprint for the British acquisition of western North America and its commerce, a coup that would deny its riches to the ever expanding Republic.” Raymond Wood
California Gold Rush, Sections from Manifest Destiny
Oregon Expansion Map
Bibliography about-the-Mexican-American-war history.html Bibliography