Kapi Mana Player Umpire Sessions 2015
Before you start... Ensure you have your own whistle and centre pass indicator (ie. rubber band or finger whistle) Registration Office has whistles at a cost to the user Wear suitable sport shoes and clothing that do not clash with the playing teams you will be umpiring Ensure you are (both) at the Registration Office to collect card, at least 5 mins before start of next round Centre pass indicator can be anything such as a hair tie you can use to keep track of whose centre pass it is.
Pre-Game Umpire Duties Check that fingernails are cut short and smooth – no gloves may be worn Players have no jewellery incl. Taonga/ greenstone – only wedding band & Medic Alert Bracelet may be worn but taped Two Captains have tossed and told you the result ie. ball or goal Team Duty umpires ensure there are 2 scorers - 1 from each team, to stand on the sideline, off the court, in line with the Centre Circle Ask what jewellery a player can wear and under what condition. Eg. taped wedding ring, medic alert braclet.
The 4 C’s Use your whistle well so all players, coaches/managers, spectators can hear it & use a loud, clear voice Develop the following 4 C’s Consistency – be consistent in your rulings throughout the court Control – maintain control, be fair, firm & alert Confidence – convey confidence to players, develop a warm and friendly manner Communication – communicate positively – listen, be polite, make eye contact & don’t get flustered If your obstruction is a little close or a little far, make sure you use the same distance throughout the game. Don’t allow your obstruction to be short for one team and right for the other. Don’t let the game get scrappy. Try not to have two young players umpiring together. Have an older player umpire with the younger ones. This will help control the game. Even if you are not sure on your call, don’t let that come across. You have the whistle, have confidence and back the call you are making.
Start of Game In order for a team to take the court they must have at least 5 players A late player may go on court but only after: A goal has been scored Immediately following an interval After a stoppage for injury/illness The late player must take the vacant position The late player must also be checked by the nearest umpire BEFORE they take the court What if the late player comes onto the court without notifying the umpire?
Court Control Always umpire to your right – Do not split the court lengthways When a goal is scored in your half, it is your whistle for the centre pass Always indicate the direction of the centre pass after each goal is scored The umpire also controls the throw ins on the whole sideline of your side of the court and the Goal line to your right
Scoring – Before The Game Two Captains (not Umpire) must toss BEFORE game start & shall inform the umpire who has the first centre pass Umpire to write (E) under this team & (O) to the other team (see scorecard) Black White E O
Scoring – During Play If Black has the first centre pass, during the playing quarter, Black will take the next pass whenever the total score of the 2 teams is EVEN (E). White will have the next pass whenever the total is ODD (O) At the end of each quarter, both umpires to confirm if the ball was in play or a goal has been scored Black White E O 10 11
Scoring – At end of each quarter At the end of the quarter, indicate on the score card the end score If a goal was scored immediately at the end of the quarter, continue with the same system – White on even, Black on odd If the ball was in play before end of quarter time, change White to odd and Black to even If the Ball is in play = change If the Goal is scored or Centre Pass not taken = stays the same Use white board and demonstrate.
Stoppages Any on court player (not Manager or Coach or Parent) can call injury time for a player - NB: Tying shoe laces is not a stoppage A stoppage for injury/illness may be up to 2 minutes. Subsequent injury/illness by the same team in the same quarter will be 30 seconds Coaching is permitted – Coaches may not walk up & down the court – they are to stay on their designated bench Only the primary care personnel can come onto the court at the stoppage All players must stay on court – unless the injury is very serious Umpire to note who had or where the ball was when play stopped – once stoppage has been dealt with, play resumes where & who had the ball was Explain that the grades they will be umpiring do not have a limit to the number of injury breaks as per international/prem ruling Do not have to wait for an on court player to call time for blood – umpire can call time
Infringement - Contact Contact with the ball is when a player: puts a hand on the ball held by the opposition knocks the ball from an opponents hands pushes the ball into an opponent Personal contact is when a player: pushes, trips, knocks, bumps or holds an opponent uses any part of the body to interfere with an opponent Causing contact is when: A player moves or stands still into the path of an opponent who is committed to a particular landing space Two players “sandwich” an opponent, not allowing the player to move
Penalty for Contact Penalty pass or penalty pass or shot where the infringement occurred The infringer must stand beside and away and take no part in play (this includes talking) until the pass or shot has been taken Taking part in play also mean verbally
Contact GK Yellow.
Infringement - Obstruction Obstruction is measured by the distance on the ground between two players The player defending must be no closer than 0.9 metre from the attacking player’s ground foot If the player’s landing foot is lifted, the distance is measured from the spot on the ground from which the foot was lifted If the player lands with both feet simultaneously the distance is measured from the nearer foot of the attacker to the nearer foot of the defender
Penalty for Obstruction Penalty pass or penalty pass or shot where the infringement occurred The infringer must stand beside and away and take no part in play (this includes talking) until the pass or shot has been taken
Stepping Stepping occurs when a player with the ball: Re-grounds the first grounded foot Hops on either foot Drags the grounded foot If a player lands on both feet simultaneously, either foot may be moved, then the other foot becomes the grounded foot Penalty for Stepping - Free pass where the infringement occurred
Breaking – Centre Pass After the whistle, the Centre pass must be caught or touched by a player standing in or landing wholly within the Centre third A player must not break at the centre pass, which is moving into the Centre third before the whistle is blown for the Centre pass. A player in the air, before the whistle is blown is not breaking or has infringed Players must get onside quickly at the centre pass. The Centre with the ball must hurry back to the centre circle and step straight in. If the Centre waits for players to get back onside, this is called “delaying play” Penalty for Breaking Centre Pass – Free Pass to the opposing team where the infringement occurred
Offside A player with or without the ball cannot move into an area of the court that is not designated for their position. Penalty for Offside – Free pass being awarded to the opposing team, where the infringement occurred
Hand signals
Hand Signals