International Donations 2014-2015 Project Funds Description Ambo Mesk, Ethiopia $ 10,929 -Provides clean drinking water to school and neighbouring village -Supports education of children and improved health conditions Jimma Scholarship Home, Ethiopia $ 10,000 -Supports secondary education for girls, especially those in remote areas Devi Jal Kumar School, Nepal $ 13,025 -Helps rebuild a school and supports education of children Salvation Army Children’s Home, Mazatlan, Mexico $ 2,125 -Provides security for an orphanage and supports education of children KIVA $ 4,983 -Provides microloans in developing countries Shelter Box, Canada $ 2,400 -Purchased two shelter boxes in support of Vanuatu disaster Bethel Children’s Home, Ethiopia $ 1,000 -Provided bunk beds to orphaned children Save the Children Canada $ 2,000 -Provided disaster relief to children in Nepal following earthquake $ 46,462 - $ funds still held in international account
The Projects: Ambo Mesk School
Ambo Mesk Before: Coming Soon:
Jimma House
Bethel Home