Absolutism And Religious Wars
France Problems (from about 1600) Cardinal Richelieu Religious Economic Weak kings (Louis XIII) Cardinal Richelieu De facto ruler Manipulated foreign affairs Suppressed the Huguenots Established central taxation Three Musketeers
“What is done for the state is done for God, who is the basis and foundation of it......Where the interests of the state are concerned, God absolves actions which, if privately committed, would be a crime.” — Cardinal Richelieu
"If you give me six lines written by the most honest man, I will find something in them to hang him." —Cardinal Richelieu
France Louis XIV Boy king Assumed total authority when Cardinal Mazarin, successor to Richelieu, died Influenced by his mistresses Wars, destablization
France Louis XIV Golden Age Mercantilism Repeal of the Edict of Nantes The Sun King L'état c'est moi Versailles French culture = prestige Mercantilism Repeal of the Edict of Nantes
Periods from 1500 to the present: 1500-1660 – dominated by the issue of what to believe in religion [the 1st estate]; 1661-1789 – dominated by the issue of the mode of government [the 2nd estate]; 1790-present – dominated by the issue of social and economic equality [the 3rd estate]. – from Barzun, Jacques, From Dawn to Decadence, Perennial, 2000, p.xxi.
Germany Divided by the Reformation The Thirty Years War Population losses in Germany as a result of the Thirty Years War Divided by the Reformation The Thirty Years War
Austria Ruled by Hapsburgs Hapsburgs married other royal families Resignation of Charles V Separation into Spanish and Austrian branches Hapsburgs married other royal families Grew the Holy Roman Empire
Spain Decline Effects of Thirty Years War War of Spanish Succession Spanish armada defeat Economic difficulties Effects of Thirty Years War War of Spanish Succession Alliance with France but both possessions Hudson Bay basin Portugal, Naples & Sicily, Netherlands
Russia Romanoff family united people Descendants of Roman Empire Ivan I married daughter of last Byzantine emperor Caesar = Tsar Ivan IV (the terrible) Peter the Great
Lands added by Peter the Great
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Witch Hunts Viewed as evils of Catholicism Killed throughout central Europe Spilled into American colonies