The English Reformation
King Henry VIII Lived 1491-1547 Reigned 1509-1547
Henry is married to Catherine of Aragon but . . .
Catherine has a lady-in-waiting named Anne Boleyn.
The Pope says . . .
Henry Does What Any Proud, Arrogant Desperate Man Would Have Done. . .
So Is Born The Anglican Church.
Anne has a daughter named Elizabeth (yes, that Elizabeth) but no sons.
Henry Meets Jane Seymour.
This Does Not End Well For Anne.
Queen Mary I “Bloody Mary” Lived 1516-1558 Reigned 1553-1558
Mary weds Phillip II of Spain and persecutes English Protestants but . . .
Queen Elizabeth I Lived 1533-1603 Reigned 1558-1603
Elizabeth Refuses To Marry.
Phillip II Sends A Massive Spanish Fleet – The “Spanish Armada” – Against The Heretic Queen
The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada
Elizabeth Takes A Victory Lap
She Is Anglican But Tolerates Private Catholicism.
She Supports Shakespeare.