Aa at (“a” as in “cut” or “son”)
Bb bebek (“b” as in “big” or “bad”)
Cc cadı (like the “j” in “jam”)
Çç çay (like the “ch” in “church”)
Dd dede (as in “did” or “do”)
Ee ev (“e” as in “bed” )
Ff fil (as in “fat” )
Gg gelin (“g” as in “get” or “goose”)
ğ ağaç (this letter has no distinct pronunciation. It does not occur at the beginning of a word.)
Hh hasta (as in “how”)
Iı ırmak (“e” as in “the” or “i” as in “cousin”)
İi ikiz (“i” as in “sit”)
Jj garaj (“j” as in “measure”)
Kk kuzu (as in “kitten”)
Ll lale (as in “lily”)
Mm mum (as in “man”)
Nn nine (as in “no”)
Oo okul (“o” as in “fold”)
Öö ördek (“i” as in “bird”)
Pp perde (as in “pen”)
Rr resim
Ss silgi (“s” as in “sing”)
Şş şeker (“sh” as in “ship”)
Tt tuz (as in “tea”)
Uu uçak (“oo” as in “boot”)
Üü ütü (German “ü” as in “für”)
Vv vazo (as in “vision”)
Yy yol (as in “yes”)
Zz zeytin (“z” as in “zoo”)