Happy Halloween Whoa, how did I not know about these? Take a copy of the Ch. 6-10 vocabulary sheet and complete your best guess.
The Giver Vocabulary for Chapters 6 - 10
The Giver - Vocabulary - Chapters 6-10 Using the sentences provided, write your educated guess of the meaning on your vocabulary sheet in the bin/cart. 1. My teacher is meticulous about our headings on papers to be turned in. She has to have our name, date, and class period in the upper right-hand corner. 2. The student had to relinquish his phone to the teacher because it went off in class. I saw a YouTube video where a boy flipped over a curb in a shopping cart and broke his leg. He couldn’t get up because he was in excruciating pain. 4. The soldiers at Valley Forge must have felt complete anguish as they waited for the enemy in the snow. 5. Although, he tried to wear sunglasses and a hoodie, the Honey Badger was conspicuous to New Yorkers because he was a Heisman Trophy candidate.
Denotations for Vocabulary Chapters 6 - 10 Meticulously – precise, showing extreme care about details Relinquish – to give up; surrender Excruciating – extremely painful; torturing (more physical) Anguish – distress, suffering (more mental) Conspicuous – easily seen or noticed; readily visible
Why would it be appealing for each age group to receive the same thing every December? Student 1: It would be appealing for each age group to receive the same thing every December because it would lead to stealing. I say this because if every age group got the same thing then there would be no jealousy. This is why it is appealing . Student 2: So people don’t get jealous and that would not be fair to them, so they get the same thing every December. Student 3: It would be appealing for each age group to receive the same thing every December so there would be no jealousy in the society. The novel states, “The children all received their bicycles at Nine; they were not allowed to ride bicycles before then” This proves receiving the same gift for the whole age group eliminates jealousy because no one believes someone else has a better gift than them, so in a perfect society no one would feel upset which is a good thing! In summary, each age group receives the same gift so no one is jealous. This keeps the utopia perfect.
Closure Update your ceremony & ritual sheet
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Set up your testing walls. Tuesday November 1, 2016 Set up your testing walls. You will be watching a video clip and responding to questions. **This formative assessment will be a combination of a video and article. FOR TEACHER ONLY: Click on the following link to get to the video: http://www.cnn.com/video/?/video/world/2012/05/30/cfp-pkg-udas-indiaarrangedmarriages.cnn&iref=videosearch&video_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2Fsearch%2F%3Fquery%3Darranged%20marriage%26primaryType%3Dvideo%26sortBy%3Ddate%26intl%3Dfalse#/video/world/2012/05/30/cfp-pkg-udas-india-arranged-marriages.cnn Play from the beginning to 2:18 minutes.
Bellringer - respond to the provided questions by restating and answering in your binder. Monday, November 14, 2016 Why might a meticulous person become exasperated? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If someone is experiencing excruciating pain, would he/she feel anguish as well? Why or why not? ______________________________________________________ What might be a reason for someone to have to relinquish control?
C H A P T E R 7
Bellringer Thursday, November 3, 2016 Turn to the first section of your binder and reflect on the following: THINK BACK to a time when you felt left out of something very important. RESTATE and ANSWER: How would you feel if you were in Jonas’ shoes? Why?
C H A P T E R 8
C H A P T E R 9
Closure: Read and journal Use after chapter 9 We have all found ourselves in situations where we could lie. What decision did you make? 1. If you chose to lie, what was the lie? Who did you lie to? Were there any negative consequences? How did it make you feel? 2. If you chose not to lie, why were you honest? Who did you tell the truth to and what was it about? How did it make you feel?
Bellringer Friday, November 4, 2016 Turn to the first section of your binder and find the commonality. Point of View – a mental viewpoint; the mental position from which a story is observed or narrated Perspective - a mental view; the state of one's ideas, the facts known to one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i84UHhezO4w
Determine the couple’s point of view from the video and the girl’s point of view from the article regarding arranged marriages. Cite and explain at least one piece of evidence to show the couple’s point of view and cite and explain at least one piece of evidence that shows girl’s point of view. Analyze the question: *what is it asking? *text-mark key words Organize your answer: *make a t-chart *bullet evidence Create an essay using all parts of the strategy. *AECR *RACE Proof read *did I answer all parts *check grammar Video couple’s POV on arranged marriages Article girl’s POV on arranged marriages Positive or negative Positive or negative * *
Determine the couple’s point of view from the video and the girl’s point of view from the article regarding arranged marriages. Cite and explain at least one piece of evidence to show the couple’s point of view and cite and explain at least one piece of evidence that shows girl’s point of view. ( AEC-AECR RACE-ACE ) _________________________________________________________________________