From: Otago Glaucoma Surgery Outcome Study: Tissue Matrix Breakdown by Apoptotic Cells in Capsules Surrounding Molteno Implants Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2009;50(3):1187-1197. doi:10.1167/iovs.07-1424 Figure Legend: (A) Vertical section of a 2.3-year-old capsule (Table 1 , case 4) showing (a) Tenon’s tissue, (b) the outer layer, (c) the inner layer, and (d) the cavity. Stain, hematoxylin and eosin; bright field. (B) Vertical section of a 2.3-year-old capsule (Table 1 , case 4) showing (a–c) trace amounts of collagen type I in all layers and (d) the cavity. Stain, AEC; bright field. (C) Collagen type I− control: same capsule as in (B). (D) Collagen type I+ control: human tonsil. (E) Vertical section of a 2.3-year-old capsule (Table 1 , case 4), showing (a–c) the distribution of collagen type III in all layers and (d) the cavity. Stain AEC; bright field. (F) Collagen type III− control: same capsule as in (E). (G) collagen type III+ control: human tonsil. (H) Vertical section of a 2.3-year-old capsule (Table 1 , case 4) showing (a–c) the distribution of collagen type VI in all layers and (d) the cavity. Stain, AEC; bright field. (I) Collagen type VI− control: same capsule as in (H). (J) Collagen type VI+ control: human tonsil. (K) Vertical section of a 2.6-year-old capsule (Table 1 , case 5) showing the distribution of elastin fibers in (a) Tenon’s tissue and (b) the outer layer and (c) the absence of elastin fibers in the inner layer and (d) the cavity. Stain, AEC; bright field. (L) Elastin− negative control: same capsule as in (K). (M) Elastin+ control: human tonsil. (N) Vertical section of a 2.3-year-old capsule (Table 1 , case 4) showing (a) distribution of collagen type IV around blood vessels in Tenon’s tissue and (b) the outer layer and (c) collagen type IV concentrated in the inner layer and (d) the cavity. Stain, AEC; bright field. (O) Collagen type IV− control: same capsule as in (N). (P) Collagen type IV+ control: human tonsil. Magnification, ×160. Scale bars, 100 μm. Date of download: 11/10/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.