DSCB Annual Report 2014-15 Children’s version Click here DSCB Annual Report 2014-15 Children’s version What does safeguarding mean? Click here What does Doncaster Safeguarding Children’s Board do? Click here Who is on the Doncaster Safeguarding Children’s Board? Click here What do we want to achieve? Click here What have we done so far? Click here So,What are we proud of?
What does Safeguarding mean? Protecting children from anything that causes them harm. Making sure that children are healthy and are properly looked after. Ensuring that children are growing up with safe and proper care. Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes Home
What does Doncaster Safeguarding Children's Board do? Work together with professionals to make sure you are safe and your welfare is promoted in Doncaster. Make sure the best services are there to keep you all safe. Look into any concerns of safety of children and make sure everybody knows what to do. Make sure that adults who work with children are safe, trained properly and able to do their job very well. Keep up with any new Laws, research, information and reports and make sure we help adults learn from things that go well and things that don’t go so well and help change so we can do things better.
Who is on the Doncaster Safeguarding Children's Board? Do you know what all these agencies do? If not, ask an adult, i.e. teacher, social worker. They all want to keep you safe from harm. Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council (DMBC) Doncaster Children’s Services Trust (DCST) South Yorkshire Police (SYP) South Yorkshire National Probation Service Youth Offending Service (YOS) Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw NHS England Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust CAFCASS Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospital Foundation Trust St Leger Homes Primary, secondary and special schools Doncaster College 2 Lay Members Safe@Last The South Yorkshire Community Rehabilitation Company Ltd Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service HM Prison Service Who can help you out?
Professionals Teachers Doctors Social workers School Nurses Health visitors Nurses Police officers Housing officers Tutors Youth Offending officers Fireman Prison Officers Probation officers Young people Public health
What do we want to achieve? We want the very best for all children/young people in Doncaster, so we set the following targets: 1)To have an excellent Safeguarding Children Board which meets its legal responsibilities, helping to challenge professionals to make them better, and helps to improve learning 2)To have excellent safeguarding systems and practice 3)To make sure that Doncaster has effective arrangements for responding to safeguarding risks, finds problems early & supports to prevent problems to keep children safe 4)To ensure Doncaster SCB is visible by working with together with other partner agencies, social workers, parents, carers, children and young people
But what do we need to do more of? What have we done so far? Asking our partners to tell us how they are doing and asking them about this. Set up a Faith and Culture group to promote the welfare of children from faith groups and other cultures. Making sure our Early Help services are right for you and your family. Making sure Children whom need protecting are protected. Making sure placement stability for Looked after Children continues to improve. Monitoring services to support children and families whom experience domestic abuse. Monitoring Child Sexual Exploitation in Doncaster to make sure you are all safe. Looking at children whom go missing to try and stop this from happening. Monitoring any allegations made about professionals. Learning all the time, from things that have gone well and from those that haven’t gone so well so we can keep improving the practice of adults whom support you. Deliver training to adults to support you to help keep you safe. But what do we need to do more of?
We are proud of: Working together to learn how to do things better Being able to ask the right questions to make people think about how to do things better Asking people outside of Doncaster how are we doing and putting in changes to get better. Looking at what we do, on a regular basis and learning from this, this helps to improve and keep improving Training – we have some training courses for different professionals i.e. teachers, school nurses, doctors, police and social workers that tells us we are helping them to learn more to support children
We need to do more of: Talking and listening to you Making sure you and your family gets support earlier, this is called Early Help Helping adults to understand what support is the right support Understand how good the support for children is, and can we make it better still. Making sure what we learn does make a difference to you. Making sure Doncaster children and families know about us and what we do.