Honda Community Recreational Loop October 17, 2016
Rose Bowl Improvements Legacy Connections Established in 2010 Primary objective is to raise funds for RBOC capital improvements To date pledged over $16 million with $6.9 million transferred to RBOC Organization determined that doing a project to benefit recreational community around the Rose Bowl is important Legacy met with City staff to review potential project
Rose Bowl Improvements Legacy Connections (continued) Project that was referenced as part of the Central Arroyo Master Plan was identified Consider (shorter) loop: Approximately ¾ mile Be accessible friendly Fitness equipment clusters (2) Cost estimate provided by city $1.2 million
Rose Bowl Improvements Area H Improvement History RBOC came to Council, May 2013, asking for authorization for naming rights of Area H, noting staff would return to Council once naming opportunity and funding was identified Fundraising effort commenced, initial pledges included: Ahmanson Foundation, Parsons Foundation, Kaiser, Supervisor Michael Antonovich Honda has been significant partner of Rose Bowl for a few decades and a fixture in Pasadena due to its relationship with the Rose Parade
Rose Bowl Improvements Area H Improvement History (continued) Staff approached Honda for gift to support Legacy efforts Honda decided to support Area H Improvements Went to RBOC on June 2, 2016, with recommendation of “Honda Park”, which was approved
Rose Bowl Improvements Area H Improvement History (continued) Neighborhood leadership then expressed concern at naming of park RBOC and Legacy staff had several meetings/discussions with neighborhood leaders Staff met with Honda and jointly determined more appropriate to name the proposed improved area; “Honda Community Recreation Loop” On October 6, 2016 RBOC approved recommendation along with noting that there will be two signs, to be designed pursuant to the appropriate City process
Rose Bowl Improvements Second Element to Donation: “Field Trip to the Field” As part of project, Honda underwrites program with PUSD for next 5 years Every 7th grader will receive: Physical education class A tour of the Rose Bowl, including educational information on history of the stadium Transportation Lunch Goodie bag
Rose Bowl Improvements RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the following: Find that the actions proposed herein are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (existing facilities – minor); Approve the naming of the new perimeter loop project in Area H for philanthropic contributions made to Legacy Connections, and physical improvements thereto, as “Honda Community Recreation Loop”; and Approve two (2) donor recognition signs for the new perimeter loop project in Area H for contributions made to Legacy Connections by donors to this project.
Rose Bowl Improvements Area H Perimeter Loop Improvements
Rose Bowl Improvements
Rose Bowl Improvements Rose Bowl Area
Rose Bowl Improvements Rose Bowl Area