Manchester Single Service Hospital Lesley Wood Regional Officer RCM Through GNHSC 10 Localities – Manchester Locality Plans include a Proposal to merge North Manchester General - Pennine Acute NHS Hospitals Trust, University Hospitals South Manchester (UHSM) and Central Manchester Hospital (CMFT) into One Single Service Hospital for Manchester. Centralise services pooling staff resources. Startng to plan now for consultations with all staff sides and FTO’s across 3 sites.
Impact upon RCM members and Staff: New Employer for 3 sites : some members on all three sites have been through transfer of services before during Making it Better in 2010 - 2012 - decommissioning of Obstetric services at Trafford General, Salford Royal, Rochdale Infirmary and Fairfield General Bury. Uncertainty worry anxiety for some Impact upon the service – acknowledgement that things cannot remain the same Acceptance of change - Being involved in change RCM involved in the GMHSC and plans for consultations Speaking to members and updating regularly Preparing work place reps – training Negotiating with senior management teams - increased facilities time – training for middle grade managers.
Preparing members: Currently members feel decisions made way above – feeling of being powerless Learning from MIB: EARLY ENGAGEMENT Conversations Communication Consultation Engagement Involvement Listen Feedback RCM working with management at all levels – National Strategic regional local and in workplace. Branch meetings, liaise with SMT – facilitate meetings with members.
Early Engagement – meeting staff working together: August 2016: Joint Maternity Conference at CMFT RCM, North, South and Central Manchester Open to all staff 60 attended – further days planned. Heads of Midwifery and matrons from 3 sites meeting together. GM sub group for HOMs HEE chaired by Helen Thompson HOM at UHSM – RCM have a seat RCM have a seat on GM Workforce Engagement Board with UNISON – this is to represent the NW SPF and can be rotated to other FTO when appropriate – for now maintaining continuity. RCM have seat along with all other unions at the GM Workforce engagement Forum Feed back to Colleagues Workplace reps and members. **********ENGAGE & CONSULT = FACILITIES TIME **********
For further information Website: Telephone: 0300 303 0444 Email: @MidwivesRCM