How has technology changed man’s view of his universe?
Geocentric Theory Earliest theory. “Geo” means Earth. Early civilizations believed that the Earth was the center of the Universe.
Evidence: Early astronomers that supported this theory: Ptolemy, Aristotle, Catholic Church.
Evidence: The moon, sun, and stars appeared to move across the sky. It felt as if the Earth was staying still. Early observers could not feel themselves moving.
Draw a picture of the geocentric theory.
The Geocentric Theory lasted for 1500 years The Geocentric Theory lasted for 1500 years!! What happened to cause this theory to change?
Heliocentric Theory The theory formed in the 1500s. “Helios” means Sun. This theory stated that the Sun is the center of our solar system. The planets and moons revolve around the Sun.
Evidence: Early astronomers that supported this theory: Copernicus, Galileo.
Evidence: Galileo observed four moons revolving around Jupiter. Mercury and Venus passed through phases just like our moon. The outer planets, Jupiter and Saturn, did not pass through phases.
Draw a picture of the Heliocentric theory.
Catholic Church denies Heliocentric Theory: Galileo clashed with the religious views of the time. He was tried several times and even spent the last years of his life under house arrest.
Big Bang Theory Scientists believe that the entire universe (all matter and energy) was once contained in a single, very hot, very dense point called singularity. .
Evidence: Astronomers associated with the Big Bang Theory: Einstein, Hubble
Big Bang Theory Between 10 – 15 billion years ago, there was a huge explosion and the singularity began expanding rapidly. As it expanded, it also cooled.
Evidence: Outward movement of the galaxies Microwave radiation Distribution and evolution of the galaxies