Classifiction of living Things Std-6th Classifiction of living Things )
The living things include plants and animals. Observe the following Picture carefully & find out what is in that pictures ? The living things include plants and animals. We find a variety of plants and animals in our surroundings .from micro-organisms to large beasts. It is necessary to classify all these plants and animals in order to identify and remember them
Carolus Linnaeus The credit of classifying plants goes to the scientist carolus linnaeus. Carolus linnaeus his method of classifying plants is used all over the world. Many scientists have contributed to the study of classifiction
Fenugreek Criteria for classifiction If you want to buy a bunch of methi(Fenugreek) from the greengrocer , how do you identify it from amongst all the different kinds of leafy vegetables? You do so by the shape of its leaves and their smell. We can quickly identify particular plants by the characteristic structure, leaves, flowers,fruits,colour,smell etc. Fenugreek
How Recoganize you brids and animals Elephant Parrot Brids and animals are recognize by the shape of their body ,their colour,the sounds they make,etc. It is clear that the similarities,differences and the variety amoung living things can be used as criteria for their classifiction.
Place a piece of bread in a box and shut the lid tightly. Classification of plants Flowering and non-flowering plants Try this Place a piece of bread in a box and shut the lid tightly. Open the box after two or three days What do you see? you see a cotton like growth on the is called a mould. In the rainy season,you may have also seen little white or brown umbrellas growing on or under trees or on garbage heaps. They are called mushrooms.
Non flowering plants Spirogyra Funguses Mushrooms Ferns Plants that do not bear flowers are called non-flowering plants.
Difference between plant Chrysanthemum Hibiscus Mushrooms Moulds Hibiscus and chrysanthemum plant bear flowers. Mushrooms and moulds do not bear flowers.
flowering plants Plants bear flowers are called flowering plants. Jui Jai Mogara Queen of the night (ratrani) Datura Bougainvillae Plants bear flowers are called flowering plants.
Classifiction of plants Based on flowering flowering plants Non-flowering plants Periwinkle (sadafuli) Mushrooms
Classifiction of plants plants can be classified according to the differences in the hight of their stems and their branches. Tree Plants that grow very tall and have strong hard stems or trunks are called trees.
Tree These trees grow tall banyan Mango Peepul These trees grow tall The banyan,mango & peepul have strong hard trunks. They have many branches which branch out again many times over. The branches bear leaves.such trees have a leafy,rounded appearance.
Tree These trees grow tall banyan Mango Peepul These trees grow tall The banyan,mango & peepul have strong hard trunks. They have many branches which branch out again many times over. The branches bear leaves.such trees have a leafy,rounded appearance.
Cocount Tree Palmyra palms The coconut and the palmyra palms also have strong hard stems but do not have branches. Leaves grow only at the top of the stem. Plants with such stem grow very tall
Shrubs plants of medium height with strong stems are called shrubs. Orange Hibiscus Lemon Oleander The are plants of medium height and are up to 2 to 3 meters tall the plants have hard strong stems. The stems begin to branches out close to the ground. plants of medium height with strong stems are called shrubs.
Climbers or creepers Bitter gourd Pumpkin Cucumber Sponge grourd plants are grow on support or spread along the ground. Plants having weak stems that grow on supports are called climbers or creepers
Herbs Lemon grass Sesame Chili Bengal gram Basil These plants stems are soft and flexible. The hight of stem these plants are 1 to 1.5 meters tall plants of stem is soft and flexible such plants are called herbs.
Classifiction of plants Based on stems Tree Creepers/Climbers Shrubs Herbs Mango Grapevine Rose Mint
Adentify following plant Fig Banyan Bougainvillae Are the banyan,fig and bougainvillae flowering plants? These are flowering plants.
Classifiction of plants by leangth of their life- cycle Plants can be classified on the basis of the natural length of their life-cycle Try to find out how many years trees like mango, banyan, cocount,peepul,neem live? How many years do they bear flowers and fruits? Ferns Neem These plants live and bear flowers and fruits for many, many years. Plants that live for many years are called perennials or perennial plants.
Biennials Carrots Radishes Beetroot Plants like radishes,carrots,beetroot complete their life cycle two years. They bear flowers and fruits only once. After that,they are seen to dry up and wither away.They are called biennials
Annuals Sunflower Bajra Marigold Jowar The sunflower,marigold,jowar,bajra complete their life-cycle in one year. They bear flowers and fruits only once. After that,they dry up These plants are called annuals
Classifiction of plants Based on their life-cycle Perennials biennials annuals Jack fruit Onion Maize
Classifiction of animals Cat Lions tigers Dog The cat and dog are classified as domestic animals the tigers and lions are classified as wild animals
Domestic and wild animal domestic animals wild animals
Unicellular and multicellular animals Animal are made up only one cell they are called unicellular animals Amoeba Paramecium Euglena Animal are made up many cell they are called multicellular animals Fish Ant Black bear
Classifiction Animals Based on number of cell Multicellular Unicellular
Classifiction Plants Based on number of cell Multicellular Unicellular
Animals can live on land are called terrestrial animals. Fox Rhino Buffalo Animals can live on land are called terrestrial animals.
aquatic animals Animals can live in water are called aquatic animals. Fish Jellyfish Octopus Animals can live in water are called aquatic animals.
amphibious animals Tortoise Frog Crocodile Animals can live both on land and in water they are called amphibious animals.
Classifiction of animals Based on habitat terrestrial aquatic amphibious
Vertebrate and invertebrate animals If you draw a finger down the middle of your back,you will feel a chain of bones. Each of these bones is called a vertebra and this chain is called the vertebral column. (back bone) Depending on whether an animal has or does not have a vertbral column,it is classified as a vertebrate or invertebrate animals
Vertebrate animals Forg Man Lizards Snakes Elephants Chameleons Rabbits Crows Animals that have a vertebral column are called vertebrate animals.
Invertebrate animals Snails Amoeba Crabs Cockroaches Butterflies Starfish Worms Earthworms Animals that do not have a vertebral column are called invertebrate animals. As compared to vertebrates,invertebrates have less developed brains.
Classifiction of animals Based on the vertebral column Vertbrates Invertebrates
Classifiction based on body covering Vertebrates can be classified based on the type of their body covering,too,Generally,the skin protects an animal’s body Vertebrates have an additional covering for protection. It may made of scales,hair or feathers. Thus vewrtebrates may classified into three groups as animals with scales,with hair,with feathers. Peacocks Lizards Black bears
Example as animals with scales Snakes Fish Chameleons Tortoies
Example as animals with hair Panda Monkeys Tiger Rabbit These animals bodies covered with hair.this hair is called fur
Example as animals with feathers Eagles Crows Kites Kingfisher
Classifiction of animals Based on body covering Scales Hair Feathers
Oviparous animals Sparrow & his nest Sparrow & his young ones A sparrow layes eggs and hatches them. In a few days,the sparrow’s young ones break the egg and come out Those animals are hatched out of egg this animals are called oviparous animals
Viviparous animals Cat & his kittens Mother & his child The growth of a cat’s young one first takes place inside the cat’s body. When this growth is complete,the cat gives brith to kittens. Those animals give birth to young ones , this animals are called viviparous animals.
Classifiction of animals Based on the mode of reproduction Oviparous Viviparous
Reviewing the lesson Classifiction is necessary to study all the plants and animals that are found in the living world. Living things can be classified on the basis of various criteria. Plants are classified as flowering and non-fowering plants. Plants can also be classified on the basis of the type of stem and length of life-cycle. Animals are classified as vertebrate or invertebrat animals. Animals can also be classified on the basis of the habitat,body covering and mode of reproduction
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