Welcome to Year 2 Who will you find in Year 2 Mrs Akers (Phase Leader) Ms Staples Mr Owens Miss Deacon (HLTA) Miss Jennings Mrs Zahonta Your child will also work with: Mrs Atkins Mrs Ducker Ms Coles (Music)
Home Learning The current recommended National Curriculum guidelines for a Year 2 child are 1.5 hours per week spent on: Daily reading recorded in Reading Record book – please sign Spellings Maths (when appropriate) Topic (when appropriate) Home learning will be given out on a Thursday and is due back the following Tuesday.
Reading Children can take home a book from the class book area Levelled book to be taken home twice a week (change day Tuesday and Friday) School library book Readopoly board
Learning pouch- its purpose Your Childs learning pouch will contain the following: Your Childs daily reading record and reading book Your Childs targets (keep them safe). These will be sent home every Monday for you to look at your Childs’ progress. This learning pouch needs to be in school EVERY day! They will also complete daily spellings activities. They will be assessed on a Thursday and new spellings given out.
What your child needs for school. Not a lot! One pair of black shoes Their clothes LABELLED CLEARLY. A water bottle for class Their Book Bag and learning pouch. Indoor & outdoor PE kit including trainers for Games. PE lessons will take place on Monday and Tuesday. (shorts for indoor apparatus work) A piece of fruit for morning break. A good night’s sleep!
5 Rs of effective Learning You may hear your children talking about these. Being resourceful is about looking for other ideas Being resilient is about not giving up. Being reflective is about thinking of what to do and how to improve. Being reciprocal is about working alone or in a group. Being responsible is about taking ownership.
Class blog http://www.bloxhamprimary.co.uk/about Please keep us informed about any medical issues Other issues-pick up If you are late dropping off in the morning, please bring your child to the school office. For communication with teachers, please pass a quick note in the morning or speak to us after school.
FOBPS FOBPS is an integral part of the school community raising funds for resources such as; traversing wall; iPads; library books; djembe drums. If you feel that you can contribute time to volunteer, they are always keen for new members.