Life that is Truly Life I Timothy 6:17-21.


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Presentation transcript:

Life that is Truly Life I Timothy 6:17-21

Life that is Truly Life… . Is founded on hope in God. Everything is this life is uncertain except for one thing. Hope in the living God. Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Our hope comes from faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in his resurrection Faith in his ascension Faith in his return We have hope that he will keep his promises.

Life that is Truly Life… Recognizes the provision of God “but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.”—verse 17b -Without the provision of God we would have nothing.

Life that is Truly Life… The further you get away from an agricultural society the harder it is to see the provision of God. Likewise the further you get away from being active in the church the harder it is to see the spiritual/physical provision of God through Jesus and His church. But sometimes we can be blind to the fact that we have everything.

Life that is Truly Life… Is lived with the needs of others in mind. Some of the dangers of pursuing riches in this life is that it can lead to a person becoming unjust—cheat & cut corners it can make a person cruel—look with disgust on the poor it can lead to covetousness, which Colossians 3:5 tells us is idolatry. which can lead to ungratefulness

Life that is Truly Life… The way to steer away from that and keep life in the proper perspective is to as verse 18 tells us is… do good—godly living (living to please God) to be rich in good deeds—looking out for the needs of others They will know you are my disciples if you love one another be generous and willing to share

Life that is Truly Life… You can’t throw money at a problem. There was a time when this church wasn’t as financially stable as it is now, but great things were done in the lives of people because of the hearts of the servants and their actions. Think about the the widow in Luke 21:1-4 who put in two copper coins. Its all about faith, sacrifice and attitude.

True life is only found in Christ!