Career Counseling Intervention Strategies: Elementary Age By: Doug, Ben, Heather, Bree, Kevin, Elizabeth
Target Population Elementary school grades: ages 8-10 (3rd and 4th grade) Atlanta Public School System Appropriate for all SES groups
Determining Target Population’s Needs Initial meeting Teachers will utilize the PTA structure to meet with parents to determine incongruence between what is being taught/learned at home and at school Teachers meet with administrators and school counselors in order to identify gaps in current curricula Staff determined a need for further basic education on jobs, and economics, and the impact on career choice
Identified Developmental Needs Physical Skills Interpersonal Skills Learn Appropriate Gender Social Roles Achieve a Greater Sense on Independence Develop Attitudes Toward Groups and Institutions Develop Academics Skills in Mathematics and Basic Economics
Write Measurable Objectives to Meet Needs Students will report an understanding of various life roles (eg. personal, leisure, community, learner, family and work roles) Students will assess the impact of life roles on career goals Students will recognize that career choices and lifestyle are connected
Delivery of Career Services Coordinate with administrators, teachers, and school counselors to deliver a two-hour interactive group learning activity on basic economics using the concept of producers and consumers
Program Content Students are allowed the opportunity to purchase a booth for “The Nickel Trade Fair” twenty cents in order to sell some type of product or service during this learning activity (Touches on Holland’s Enterprising (E), Social (S), Realistic (R), Artistic (A), and Investigative (I)) Some students will be allowed to sell their products (i.e. face painting, nail painting, popcorn sales, candy sales, Pokemon sales, personal services for teachers) for a nickel a piece, while others will be allowed to consume those products Students will be allowed to utilize technology in the sales of their products Students encouraged to promote and advertise their booth two weeks prior to the event Individual prized will be rewarded for the most creative booth, most money made, peer- choice product/service award.
Program Cost Material costs for booth construction $200.00 Additional booth decorations can be utilized from recycled materials from home Prize money for awards given $50.00 No additional cost for staff time Program and development for school wide campaign $500.00
Program Promotion & Delivery Promoted to Atlanta city school’s BOE Once approved, email sent to all third and fourth grade teachers, school counselors, and administrators Parent list serve to advertise program to parents
Evaluate the Program Program effectiveness will be evaluated using the benchmark scores from the aforementioned classes in the areas of economics and mathematics. A teacher evaluation form will be utilized to evaluate social skills (e.g. cooperation, collaboration, communication, team building, and engagement) Results will be used to determine any modifications needed to refine the educational experience