Importance of T&E Connotations EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Importance of T&E Connotations Recall that testing involves getting data to support a decision or risk reduction effort. In the context of I&T, test data support the integration process and helps integration engineers decide whether the integration at any point in the flow has been successful or are there problems to be fixed so that integration can continue. In the context of T&E, test data are collected to provide information for evaluation where evaluation is the manipulation and analysis of these data to determine performance and thus specification or requirement compliance.
Evaluation can be based on data from any verification method. EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Importance of T&E Evaluation can be based on data from any verification method. Inspection, simulation, analysis, demonstration or test. Some people expand the definition of test to all these methods but shouldn’t! T&E has taken on extreme importance for DOD and should for any developer. Result of many years of purchasing expensive systems that did not meet need or requirements.
DOD has a detailed process for acquiring new systems. EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Importance of T&E DOD has a detailed process for acquiring new systems. Described in DOD 5000 Included as FYI on class web site Next slide shows the “big” picture of the acquisition process.
EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1
EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Importance of T&E A few terms/acronyms worth knowing: (some have recently changed and will be discussed later) MS - Milestone MNS - Mission Need Statement Non system specific, a needed capability. ORD - Operational Requirements Document Minimum acceptable capability of possible system. LRIP - Low Rate Initial Production Generates systems for use in OT&E. IOC - Initial Operational Capability
Note how T&E fits into the SE process. EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Importance of T&E Note how the DOD has adopted good SE practices to define the acquisition process. Note how T&E fits into the SE process. SE requires knowledge of technical status to continue or modify and ultimately complete system development. T&E provides that knowledge.
EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Importance of T&E As previously discussed, next slide illustrates the reason for so many checks and balances. Look at pages 1-4 and 1-5 (Test and Evaluation Management Guide ) to see T&E roles prior to MSs B and C.
EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1
Note relative amounts of DT&E vs. OT&E. EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Importance of T&E Next slide illustrates the relationship of the T&E flow with the acquisition or SE flow. Note relative amounts of DT&E vs. OT&E. It’s possible even desirable to have both types simultaneously.
EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1
More terms/acronyms worth knowing: EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Importance of T&E More terms/acronyms worth knowing: DT&E - Developmental Test and Evaluation. All testing ( not lab experiments) that are up to and including certification for OT&E. May be either contractor or customer led and/or executed. IOT&E - Initial OT&E. Performed on LRIP articles to see if suitable and effective. FOT&E - Follow-on OT&E. After deployment.
What type of tests are these? EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Importance of T&E What type of tests are these? Test to determine vibration levels. Test to see if tank is destroyed. Throughput measurement. Maintenance time measurement. CEP measurement.
Importance of T&E DT&E OT&E EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Importance of T&E DT&E and OT&E are different “beasts” though at times they seem the same. DT&E Measurement related to technical issue (spec). Vibe, temp, etc May be in a lab or with the integrated system. Performed by engineers or “techs”. OT&E Measurement or information related to operational requirement (ORD). Penetrates bunker, Pk, Pd etc Production representative system. Performed by end-users.
Testers know about SE too! EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Testers know about SE too!
Two perspectives on one process EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Two perspectives on one process
T&E plays in design reviews EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 T&E plays in design reviews
TEMP and SEMP must be tightly coordinated. EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 TEMP and SEMP must be tightly coordinated. T&E answers questions at design reviews etc. See page 2-6 para. 2.3.2 (Test and Evaluation Management Guide).
Each service does T&E their way, OT&E is always independent EMIS 7307 T&E Part 1 Each service does T&E their way, OT&E is always independent