RAD Trainer: Julie Gabhart
Guide to RAD Conversions RAD conversion – PBV or PBRA Long-Range Planning Regulatory Approvals Change in Funding Low Income Public Housing Subsidy to One or More Subsidies LIHTC, et al HUD, IRS, and/or State Housing Finance Agencies’
Guide to RAD Conversions Software System detailed knowledge of Plan Program Reconfiguration New Projects Units New Subsidy Tracking New Rents Income Eligibility Requirements Financial Reconfiguration Reconfigure General Ledger Accounts Establish new bank accounts Establish Tenant Accounts Receivable
The Conversion Process
RAD Evaluation and Analysis CHAP Analysis Administrative Plan Identify Projects Units Fund Management Waiting List Setup Certifications Inspections Processing Existing Households EIV, FSS/ROSS, and flat rent, over-income and over-housed families
Program Setup and Configuration General Ledger: Create New Funds/COAs For all new programs, as needed. Edit Accounts in New Funds Review/Reset Development Mapping. Maintain PH fund Bank Accounts: Create New Bank Accounts Check Formats, ACH, Positive Pay, Direct Debit TAR Setup/Mapping: Account Types, Transactions Types, Cash Drawer Security and Profile Setups Vacancy Loss, NSF Development Mapping
Program Setup and Configuration Project Creation: Project, Project Type, VMS type, Project Policy Setup Program Type, Development, Bank, etc. Unit Setup: Update Unit Information New Contract Rents, Utility Allowance, Gross Rent, LIHTC Reduced Rent, Square Footage, BIN#, Placed in Service Date, FIPS Area, Target Income Level, Bundled Projects, Units in Rent Reasonableness
Program Setup and Configuration Waiting List Setup: New RAD Lists Policies/Preferences by subsidy Records to migrate to new list(s) Certification Setup: Setup Certification Steps by Program Type Program Security Setup: User Security Updates
Program Setup and Configuration PBRA/TRACS Setup: Create Multi-Family HAP contract Complete TRACS submission setup Development, project, contract setup, submission, WASS, mailbox ID/password, and updating units for TRACS submissions. j. PBV Voucher Setup: Define new vouchers for additional PBV projects.
Data Migration and Processing Processing Public Housing Files in PIC Review client unit removal application in PIC Create EOP certifications for PH tenants in PIC Migrate existing Public Housing Tenants Move Applicants to Waiting Lists Add Tenants to Waitlist – as determined by program type/Waitlist configuration. PBV tenants, add currently housed Tenants to PBV waiting list Convert PH waiting list applicant records to PBV waiting list Convert PH waiting list applicant records to PBRA waiting list *Note: PHA may have to create a Choice Mobility waiting list if they cannot offer vouchers to qualifying families
Data Migration and Processing Tenant Certifications Complete ‘new admission’ certifications for transitioning families with appropriate cert date Certifications for rental assistance subsidy (PBV or PBRA) Certifications for other subsidies (e.g., LIHTC, market, etc.) *Note: client needs to remove RAD/PBRA project employees from PIH/EIV certification and certify them on MF/EIV
Data Migration and Processing Security Deposits: Transfer Security Deposit balances Record security deposit balance on transfer (in the event of forfeiture) FSS Accounts: Transfer Escrow Balances
Data Migration and Processing Flat Rent Identify Flat Rent Tenants Below New Contract Rent Identify PHA’s phase-in policy Over-Income Identify over-income tenants Determine applicable TTP after conversion Over/Under Housed Identify Tenants - Unit Transfers ROSS Tenants Identify Active EID tenants
Additional Considerations Scribe Documents Identifying all forms and letters required for the new program(s) Creating all forms and letters required for the new program(s) Transfer of Assets and Inventory
Training and Guidance Multi-Family Voucher Creation/Submission PBV Management and VMS Reporting Low Income Housing Tax Credit Managing Dual Subsidy Accounting Changes GL, TAR, Payments Reporting
Next Steps Business Tasks Managements Tasks Financial Tasks Housing Tasks Tenant Tasks
Business Tasks What date will your final contract be signed? What is your anticipated go-live date? Do you have a Project Manager and/or a dedicated team assigned to your RAD conversion project? Is the entity that owns the new PBRA/PBV project legally separate from the PHA or does the PHA have an ownership interest in the operating entity? Will all financial and housing activity be tracked in the Tenmast system? Please supply the legal name and contact information for the separate operating entity, if applicable.
Business Tasks, cont’d How many new forms, documents and letters will need to be created for your RAD conversion? Please supply any logo and name and contact information for the new entity. How many of your Tenmast users will be affected by the conversion and need User Security updates? Please supply a list of your users and their duties. Have you applied for and received your TRACS submission information for Multi-Family, if applicable?
Management Tasks Management Tasks PHA Outside Tenmast Waiting list management Eligibility determination Certifications Unit inspections Lease preparation and signing Rent collection Lease enforcement Gross rent changes TRACS voucher preparation TRACS submissions Project financial reporting
Financial Tasks Will the operating entity manage its own bank accounts and a general ledger? How many new GL funds will need to be created? What will be the FYE for these new funds? How many new bank accounts will need to be added? Will those bank accounts use ACH or paper checks? Will those bank accounts use Positive Pay services with the bank? Are there inventory items or assets that need to be transferred?
Housing Tasks How many projects will you be converting? Will the Public Housing projects convert one-to-one to the new project or will there be a consolidation? (Please detail the consolidation, if applicable) Current number of projects? New total number of project? Which projects will you be consolidating? What is the new project listing by name and project number? How many total Public Housing units will be converted? Have you calculated and determined the appropriate new flat rent for units? Have you completed your application for unit removal from PIC?
Housing Tasks cont’d How many new waiting lists will you need for your conversion? Is this a one-to-one conversion from Public Housing waiting list(s)? If not, will you be going to Regional or Site-based? Please list the waiting lists that you will be converting to. What is your policy for tenant choice on the new waiting list(s)? What is your plan for notification for the transfer of applicants? Have you developed a plan and schedule for completing unit inspections prior to conversion? Will the converted units be using any type of layered subsidy in addition to the conversion to PBRA/PBV, i.e. Tax Credit? Is your agency experienced and/or trained on the program type(s) to which you have selected to convert?
Tenant Tasks Will you have any in process future certifications for the converting Public Housing tenants? What effective date do you anticipate using for the converted tenant certifications? Do you currently have any tenants that will be converting that have EID and if so, how many? Do you currently have any tenants that will be converting that are participating in the FSS program or ROSS and if so, how many? Do you have any flat rent tenants that will be below Market Rent at conversion and if so, how many? Have you outlined a phase-in policy based on HUD guidelines to account for the rent increase and if so, what is that policy? Will you have any tenants that will be considered over-income at the time of conversion and if so, how many? How many over or under-housed tenants will be in need of unit transfers as a result of your conversion?
Let’s Get Started Agency-Specific Proposal Project Plan GO LIVE! PM Conversion Team Transition Schedule Training Plan GO LIVE!
Questions? Brandi Fister bfister@tenmast.com 877-359-5492 x1267