EDSS 511 Week 6 Product & Management Think – Ink – Pair – Share (5 min) With this standard, write an objective that includes a condition, action verb, and criteria. 9-10th grade ELD Production 10. Writing a. Write longer and more detailed literary and informational texts (e.g., an argument about water rights) collaboratively (e.g., with peers) and independently using appropriate text organization and register.
Objective OM + 5 = 15 Condition is what you set up for student to succeed, i.e. modeling an action, facilitating a discussion, reviewing vocabulary definitions Must be observable – for the action verb Must be measured – for the criteria AVOID words that are difficult or impossible to observe and measure: Appreciate Believe Comprehend Enjoy Familiarize Grasp (unless psychomotor) Indicate Know Learn Like Realize Understand
Objectives + 5 = 20 After peer reviewing a colleague's management plan and sharing with literature circle team, candidates will be able to identify areas of their management plan that need revision, and develop a plan. After reviewing planning commentary instructions and examples, candidates will be able to design a rubric with articulation of the different expectations for different level English learners.
Literature Circles + 25 = 50 min Assign timekeeper Share literature circle role assignments for 2nd part of book 5 minutes per role = 25 minutes 25 minutes +30 = 40 min
Management Plan +20 = 1:10 Read you management plan feedback. Meet with the peer reviewer. Identify who will share feedback first. Share praises, questions, & polish suggestions. Ask questions to provide clarification. Switch roles.
STRETCH + 5 = 1:25
Week 7: Online for EDSS 511 Read: Brain-Based Learning Weebly http://brain-basedlearning.weebly.com/ Share Management Infograph Ideas on your Literature Circle Forum (http://infogr.am) Write Brain Research Informed Objectives on Google Doc. Include a condition, action, and criteria.https://docs.google.com/document/d/16uF1qbvP1KzmXgsZMXTkGxByuQWFT_t5mHP7MlmS52c/edit?usp=sharing
Week 8 Read Infogr.am Instructions http://infogr.am In class post your infograph url – Exit Ticket PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE CHECK 2
Lesson Plan + 30 = 2 hours Pull out your lesson rubric Self-assess and identify what can be improved Revise with tips from www.secondarydifferentiation.weebly.com TICKET OUT THE DOOR Self-Assessed Lesson Plan Rubric p.14 of syllabus