Interfacial Investigation of Palmitic Acid Monolayers Cheng Y. Tang Allen Group June 21th, 2007 Department of Chemistry The Ohio State University
Background IPCC estimated ~ 3.3 billion metric tons sea salt emission into atmosphere annually Biological oil slick (200 Tg/year) is main contributor of fat-coated marine aerosol Dobson et al., PNAS., 97, 11864, 2000 TOF-SIM C16 Palmitic acid (C16) is most abundant saturated fatty acid Oleic acid (C18) is most abundant unsaturated fatty acid C18 Heikki Tervahattu, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 107, 2002
Broad Bandwidth Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy (BBSFG)
Experimental Setup Couple Langmuir Trough with BBSFG to do concurrent study of Palmitic Acid Monolayer
Compression Isotherm uc tc g Snap-shots of Palmitic Acid Monolayer untilted condensed (uc) uc tilted condensed (tc) gaseous (g) tc g Snap-shots of Palmitic Acid Monolayer Spectra during compression
Compression Isotherm g uc tc g uc tc
Compression Isotherm
Compression Isotherm
Compression Isotherm
Palmitic Acid Isotherm BBSFG Spectroscopic Study Palmitic Acid Isotherm 2nd point at 30 mN/m (uc) 1st point at 10 mN/m (tc)
SFG Polarization and Peak Assignments SS – symmetric stretch, FR – Fermi Resonance
SFG Polarization and Peak Assignments AS – asymmetric stretch
SFG Polarization and Peak Assignments SS – symmetric stretch, AS – asymmetric stretch, FR – Fermi Resonance
BBSFG SSP Palmitic Acid Spectra on 0.2M Salts CH3-SS/CH2-SS Chain is more ordered, less gauche defects CH3-SS CH2-SS CH2-FR CH3-SS CH3-SS/CH2-SS is largest in CaCl2 CH2-FR contribution is smallest CH2-SS CH2-FR
BBSFG Palmitic Acid Spectra at 30mN/m Spectral results show similar chain conformation and packing at 30mN/m Consistent with Mean Molecular Area data
Conclusion BBSFG data confirm dynamic structural change of the Palmitic Acid Monolayer during compression In the tilted condensed phase, CaCl2 induces condensing of the Palmitic Acid Monolayer In untilted condensed phase, chain conformation and packing of Palmitic Acid monolayers are similar on salt solutions
Acknowledgements Dr. Heather C. Allen (Advisor) Dr. Gang Ma Dr. Laura Voss All other Allen group members NSF-ATM Funding