The Way forward for NAHT Cymru Financing the Future.
What do we do? Respond to consultation Documents from the Welsh Assembly Government. Gather evidence from practitioners across Wales. Attend meetings at Government level to present evidence. Representation on other Forums e.g. Estyn and S.C.E.W. Media coverage across Wales.
What do we do? and there's more! Provide training on specific issues which are different in Wales e.g. budget forums Advise and inform members in Wales of changes that will effect their schools. Lobby Assembly officials, Estyn, GTCW to ensure the voice of school leaders in Wales is heard and has influence e.g. Foundation Phase funding, New Inspection Framework, School Effectiveness Framework
What do we do? Analyse evidence and data collected from members e.g. workload, section 52 forms. Negotiate with Local Education Authorities – 22 different ways of working. Organise Branch activities and support members with low level issues e.g. parental complaints, staffing issues, redundancies. At local level attend Education Scrutiny Committees, All Union forums, Social Partnerships, Budget Forums, and LEA consultations e.g. school reorganisations.
How we do it! How do we do it?! 4 x Wales committee meeting. 1x 2 day residential Wales Committee meeting. 4 x Secondary Committee 5 x Primary Committee meetings 5 x All Wales Budget Training meetings. Representational attendance at stakeholder meetings to which NAHT Cymru are called.
Why do we do it? We need to ensure we have a voice and influence on Education matters in Wales. We need to ensure equality of provision and support for NAHT members in Wales. We need to ensure that the professional status of NAHT in Wales is maintained. To ensure that the children of Wales are not educationally disadvantaged. We do it because no one else will do it for us!
All our activities inform Wales Committee on strategic planning for the future.
Who does it? Full time headteachers and school leaders Volunteer branch officials from across Wales Retired practitioners who are life members
What we need NAHT to do for us! Facilitate the Wales Committee to operate effectively so that members in Wales are not disadvantaged by the fact that we have a devolved administration which impacts greatly on education in Wales.