White Hat Eagles Cyber Security Club Meeting 1 White Hat Eagles Cyber Security Club
https://www. facebook. com/MissArabUSA/videos/925052930878886/ https://www.facebook.com/MissArabUSA/videos/925052930878886/?pnref=story Yes Or No??
Past Events Student Activities Fair Workshop Week 1 (Thursday Sep 3rd) Big thank you to Kyle, Hiranya and Sav Workshop Week 1 (Thursday Sep 3rd) Thank you everyone who came out!!!!
Announcements Ambassador Robot project with IEEE Cybersecurity Awareness Month (October) TripWire VERT’s Capture the Flag contest (March 27th 2016) http://www.tripwire.com/vert/tripwire-vert-cyber-security-capture-the-flag-contest/ NYU Polytechnic Capture the Flag contest(Sep 18th- Sep 20th) https://ctf.isis.poly.edu/ Capture the flag resources http://mitrecyberacademy.org/practice/ https://trailofbits.github.io/ctf/index.html https://ctftime.org/event/list/upcoming
Progress Update News letters Weekly Challenges Who wants to work on this?? Contact Hiranya Mir (mirh@my.erau.edu) if interested Weekly Challenges Contact Piotr Wolkaniac (wolkanip@my.erau.edu) if interested Demo Example
Upcoming Workshop Tomorrow 5pm-8pm Introduction to Linux continued (configuring Linux settings and how to communicate with other computers) Graduate Recruitment Session September 21, 10am-2pm
Lab Access Information Please fill out Sign up form so you can get access to the lab