Vocabulary Words for Chapters 1-14


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary Words for Chapters 1-14 Fifth Grade Newsletter Quinones /Lupton August 7-11, 2017 glupton@effinghmam.k12.ga.us cquinones@effingham.k12.ga.us mmiller@effingham.k12.ga.us Grammar Reading Your child will begin studying coordinating and this week. Coordinating conjunctions are and, but, or, for, so, and yet. Example: Maria draws cartoons, and Stephen paints murals. Math Your child will begin reading the novel Steal Away Home by Lois Ruby. When twelve-year-old Dana Shannon starts to strip away wallpaper in her family’s old house, she’s unprepared for the surprise that awaits her. A hidden room containing a human skeleton! How did such a thing get there? And why was the tiny room sealed up? With the help of a diary found in the room, Dana learns her house was once a station on the Underground Railroad. The remains were that of Lizbet Charles, a conductor and former slave. The scenes in this novel shift between Dana’s world and 1856, and the story of the families that lived in the house unfolds. Your child will work with the following vocabulary words through the first half of the novel. He/she will have a quiz over these words next week. Vocabulary Words for Chapters 1-14 1. coroner- an officer of the county whose job is to investigate not resulting from natural causes 2. civilly- peacefully; without making trouble 3. ruffians- tough; lawless people 4. economical- sparing; avoiding waste or extravagance 5. stampede- a sudden rush of a herd of frightened animals especially cattle or horses 6. chauffeur- a person employed to drive a private automobile or limousine for the owner 7. witticisms- witty remarks or jokes 8. autopsy- inspection and dissection of a body after death, as for determination of the cause of death 9. skeptical- in a doubtful manner; suspiciously 10. fugitive- a person who is fleeing from prosecution or intolerable circumstances; a runaway Your child will be continuing to work on Place Value, Order of Operations, and Powers of 10. He/she received a study guide for practicing the place value names. He/she will have a quiz on Friday, Aug. 8th. Fifth grade will be reviewing multiplication facts the first few months and participating in the a challenge on Sept. 6th. The goal is for 5th graders is to answer 81 mult. facts in 3 minutes. After the September challenge we will move to Division drills. Word Study This week’s word study words will have short vowel sounds. Words with short a can be spelled a. Short i can be spelled i, u, or ui. Short e can be spelled ea. Short u can be spelled o, oe, or o-e. Students will do various word sort activities to help them decode words with these patterns. Students will not have a weekly quiz over these words. We will be studying the words in depth in class and doing different activities. Science Social Studies Your child is studying Physical Science. The lessons this week will cover what matter is made of, the states of matter, and how matter is measured. He/she will have a study guide at least one week prior to the test date. Your child is studying the Government and Civic Understandings Standards. He/she will learn about the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizens. We will focus on the Bill of Rights and the due process of the law described in the Constitution this week. He/she will also learn how amendments to the Constitution are made and how they help maintain a representative democracy. Students received a study guide today to help them prepare for the test. Please sign the study guide to let me know that you have received it. The test will be given on Friday, August 19th. Schedule Aug. 24th- Fall Pictures (non uniform) Aug. 31st Spirit Day; Ice Cream Prepayment deadline.