Julien Al Shakarchi University Hospital Birmingham seconded at Guerbet Group ESR 8
Background Born In France Educated in the UK MBChB University of Birmingham 2008 MSc in Surgical Sciences University of Edinburgh 2012 MRCS Royal College of Surgeons 2012 Founder & Editor Journal of Surgical Case Reports 2010
Background Adam Al Shakarchi Birmingham Women’s Hospital 2015
Project Seconded from University Hospital Birmingham to Guerbet Group Supervised by Eric Lancelot and Nicholas Inston Other ESR secondees: Deirdre Cassidy and Aurangzaib Khawaja WP2: Data mining and prospective data sharing WP3: Imaging UHB Data mining: Biological Markers, HeRO, Omniflow… Literature data mining: systematic and narrative reviews Data synthesis: Questionaire/Survey and guidelines appraisal
Training Experience of learning how a multinational company like Guerbet works with a planned visit to its research plant. This has given me valuable insight into industry. Regular meetings and clinical experience with leading French doctors including vascular access pioneer Prof Bourquelot, surgeon Dr Stolba and interventional radiologist Dr Turmel. This has allowed exchange of knowledge and experience on vascular access. Attended the ‘Controversies and Updates in Vascular Surgery Congress’ in Paris January 2015 Attended the European Vascular Course in Maastricht March 2015 Attending the Congress of the Vascular Access Society in Barcelona April 2015 Attending the Multidisciplinary European course on Endovascular Therapies in Nice June 2015
Presentations BSIR 2014: VAS 2015: Outcomes of the Haemodialysis Reliable Outflow Device (HeRO) for vascular access (Poster) VAS 2015: Exhausted vascular access: a proposed classification (Poster) Pre-operative biological markers in predicting outcome of fistula formation (Poster) Systematic review of the ulnar-basilic arteriovenous fistula for haemodialysis (Poster) Assessing UK trends in vascular access imaging for haemodialysis patients – results from REDVASQI (Poster) Preoperative imaging in arteriovenous fistula formation: a systematic review (Poster) Revisiting the risks of contrast enhanced MRI in vascular access imaging (Poster) Systematic review and meta-analysis of vascular access outcomes in elderly patients (Poster) Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in vascular access. A new application for Invos Spectra (Poster) Arterial stiffness correlates with arteriovenous fistula outcomes (Oral - Presenter)
Publications Accepted: Accepted pending minor revisions: Submitted: Timing of cannulation of arteriovenous grafts: are we too cautious? CKJ Accepted pending minor revisions: Early cannulation grafts for haemodialysis: a systematic review JVA A Review on the Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow (HeRO) graft EJVES Efficacy of the ulnar-basilic arteriovenous fistula for haemodialysis: A systematic review JVA Submitted: Surgical Techniques for the Management of Haemodialysis Access Induced Distal Ischaemia JVS Pre-operative biological markers in predicting outcome of fistula formation Annals RCS End stage vascular access failure- can we define and can we classify? CKJ Use of biosynthetic grafts (Omniflow II) for high infection risk haemodialysis vascular access JVA Non 1st author submissions: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Arteriovenous Fistula Outcomes in the Elderly JVS Assessing UK trends in vascular access imaging for haemodialysis patients – ReDVASQi Plos1 AGREE instrument for assessment of current vascular access guidelines Plos1 Re-visiting the risks of contrast enhanced MRI in vascular access imaging I3 Non-invasive three dimensional imaging for hemodialysis vascular access using magnetic resonance I3
Future Continue to work with ERBP as an associate fellow in updating clinical guidelines Project with the EURODOPPS team on predictive modelling Registered at the University of Birmingham for an MD titled ‘Improving outcomes in vascular access’ Continue regular contact with French and other international specialists for continued knowledge exchange Continue to have active involvement with research to utilise skills gained during my time with Redva such as grant application Complete surgical training and become a consultant surgeon in vascular surgery