What we will do What we will learn 10N 12 Haratua 2017 Quick quiz and preliminaries How to start well Revisit the “Scottish Flag” memory trick How to remember how voltage and current behave in series and in parallel Learn why the symbol for current is I Why I is the symbol for Current Use last time’s practical to find out about Resistance How Coulombs can help us understand R Use last time’s practical to find out about Power How Coulombs can help us understand P Learn the Power Triangle and then write the “family of facts” for P, R and I How to get 3 (or 4) formulae out of one Do some questions that need the How to tackle exam-level qu’s If time, begin insulators and conductors What insulators and conductors are and how to test for them.
10N – Seating Plan Front of lab - Whiteboard
HW item Skills practiced HW booklet pages on skeletal system, muscles and joints, blood and heart, circulatory system Pages 1 - 8 Due Thursday 2nd of March 2017 Time management Knowledge of three systems in the body HW booklet pages 9 – 18: circulatory, breathing and digestive systems. Due Monday 20th of March 2017 HW booklet pages 19, 27, 28, 29 Human Reproduction Due Zenday 37th of Octember Human Reproduction EOT test Due Monday 10th of April Humans and reproduction
Resistance is a measure of how tough it is to get electrons THROUGH something. It is measured in “How many volts does it take to get one Amp to flow through the thing” OR Volts per Amp OR Volts/Amp OR V/A OR VA-1 OR Ohms OR
Power Power is a way of saying how quickly energy is changed from one type to another. It is measured in Joules Per Second Power = Voltage x Current (P=VxI)
Voltage (Volts) Current (Amps) Power (Watts) 6 0.5 ? 50 100 12 60 3
Voltage (Volts) Current (Amps) Power (Watts) 6 0.5 ? 50 100 12 60 3
Voltage (Volts) Current (Amps) Power (Watts) 6 0.5 ? 50 100 12 60 3
Voltage (Volts) Current (Amps) Power (Watts) 6 0.5 ? 50 100 12 60 3
Voltage (Volts) Current (Amps) Power (Watts) 6 0.5 ? 50 100 12 60 3
Verbal Question
Yes! It is!