Amity University, Noida, India A Relative Study of Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud Computing Environment Authors: Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IEEE, 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics Amity University, Noida, India December 14, 2016 Presented By: Syed Arshad Ali Dept. of Computer Science Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi
Overview Introduction Task Scheduling Parameters Various Task Scheduling Algorithms Study and Comparison of Task Scheduling Algorithms Issues and Future Direction Conclusion Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
Introduction The main features of Cloud Computing are self-serviced, per-usage metering and billing, elasticity and customization. Resource management plays a very important role to achieve these features. Resource Management is the process of assigning storage, energy, computing and network resources to the user for meeting target performance of the program. It can be classified into eight functional areas: 1. Global scheduling of cloud resources. 2. Resource request outlining. 3. Resource utilization approximation. 4. Application scaling and provisioning. 5. Local Scheduling of cloud resources. 6. Resource pricing and profit maximization. 7. Workload management. 8. Cloud managing system. Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
The main focus of this paper is on cloud Task scheduling. The scheduler get tasks from the users and asks the CIS for available resources. On the basis of available resources and scheduling algorithm, it schedules user’s task to available resources. The scheduling algorithm should be capable enough to handle resource allocation problems like: Resource Contention Scarcity of Resources Over and Under Provisioning of Resources Resource Fragmentation Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
Task Scheduling Parameters Execution time Response Time Makespan Throughput Resource Utilization Load Balancing Fault Tolerance Energy Consumption Scalability Performance Quality of Service Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
Various Task Scheduling Algorithms Multi-objective Task Scheduling Multilevel Priority-Based Task Scheduling Load Balancing Task Scheduling Particle Swarm Optimization Based Task Scheduling Energy-Efficient Based Task Scheduling Cuckoo Optimization Based Task Scheduling Green Energy-Efficient Based Task Scheduling Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
Various Task Scheduling Algorithms…... Fault-Tolerant Workflow Scheduling Adaptive Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling Online Optimization for Preemptable Task Scheduling Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
Comparison of Task Scheduling Algorithms Response Time Execution Time Throughput Make Span Resource Utilization Energy Consumption Load Balancing Performance Fault Tolerance Scalability Quality of Service Cost Multi-Objective Task Scheduling - Green Energy-Efficient based Task Scheduling Algorithm Multilevel Priority-Based Task Scheduling Online Optimization for Preemptable Task Scheduling Particle Swarm Optimization based Task Scheduling Load Balancing Task Scheduling Algorithm Energy-Efficient based Task Scheduling Algorithm Fault-Tolerant Workflow Scheduling Algorithm Adaptive Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling Algorithm Cuckoo Optimization based Task Scheduling Algorithm Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
Comparison of Task Scheduling Algorithms Response Time Execution Time Throughput Make Span Resource Utilization Energy Consumption Load Balancing Performance Fault Tolerance Scalability Quality of Service Cost Multi-Objective Task Scheduling - Green Energy-Efficient based Task Scheduling Algorithm Multilevel Priority-Based Task Scheduling Online Optimization for Preemptable Task Scheduling Particle Swarm Optimization based Task Scheduling Load Balancing Task Scheduling Algorithm Energy-Efficient based Task Scheduling Algorithm Fault-Tolerant Workflow Scheduling Algorithm Adaptive Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling Algorithm Cuckoo Optimization based Task Scheduling Algorithm Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
Comparison of Task Scheduling Algorithms Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
Comparison of Task Scheduling Algorithms Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
Issues and Future Directions Most of the scheduling algorithms are focused on energy consumption and resource utilization. There is a lot of improvement required in fault-tolerance, response time and cost of scheduling services. Most of the algorithms consider only two or three scheduling parameters. An effective task scheduling algorithm can be design by adding more parameters to existing algorithms which can enhance the system performance in near future. Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
Conclusion To provide scalability, resource pooling and on-demand self-service in cloud environment, an efficient Task Scheduling algorithm is required. In this paper various task scheduling algorithms are studied and compared by various scheduling parameters. In which Particle Swarm optimization and Cuckoo optimization are nature inspired algorithms, while DVFS-enabled, Green and adaptive Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling algorithms work on energy consumption. Resource utilization, energy consumption and performance parameters of scheduling are considered in most of the discussed algorithms. There is still a lot of improvement required to handle load balancing and fault tolerance in Task Scheduling algorithms. Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016
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Thanks Syed Arshad Ali, Mansaf Alam IC3I, 14 Dec, 2016