Introduction This paragraph is crucial. Include the following information: identify the text and author use words from the beginning of the question and explain why the chosen text is suitable for the question include a sentence or two summarising the text refer to the words in the second sentence of the question and give an indication of how the rest of the essay will develop in order to answer the task
1 Choose a novel in which friendship or love is put to the test. Explain briefly how this situation arises and go on to discuss how the outcome of the test leads you to a greater understanding of the central concern(s) of the text.
Gatsby’s love for Daisy is central to an understanding of the text Gatsby’s love for Daisy is central to an understanding of the text. Everything he does is motivated by this love. Although this love could be described as naive and unrealistic it can also be regarded as pure and admirable. His lowly social status is the first major test of his love. He shows admirable single mindedness and a talent for re-invention by becoming fabulously wealthy. However in order to attain this goal Gatsby has become involved in dubious, criminal activity. He also disregards the family of the object of his love. It is put to the test when he is confronted by Tom Buchanan. Tom bursts the illusion that Gatsby has been living His lover Daisy returns to the safety of her husband and her wealth when she realises what kind of man Gatsby is. Gatsby however remains true to his love. This reveals a certain nobility of character which is in sharp contrast to the superficiality of Daisy.
2 Choose a novel in which a character reaches a crisis point. Explain briefly how this point is reached and go on to discuss how the character’s response to the situation extends your understanding of him/her.
2 Crisis point for Gatsby: When he is challenged by Tom in the hotel scene. Describe Gatsby’s attempt to re-create his past and the beginning of his affair with Daisy Describe the intensity of Gatsby’s dream to re-create the past. Describe the moment of crisis when he is challenged by Tom. The beginning of the end for his dream as Daisy begins to withdraw. Gatsby’s reaction to this crisis point – he clings to the idea of a life with Daisy. His noble sacrifice for her. The consequences of the crisis point – Gatsby’s death – comment on the significance of this.
3 Choose a novel or short story which explores loss or futility or failure. Discuss how the writer explores one of these ideas in a way you find effective.
Gatsby and the failure of his dream. What is Gatsby’s dream? His desire to re-create the past with Daisy. Comment on the all-consuming nature of his dream of love. Why does he lose this dream of love? It was unrealistic/naïve. It was corrupted by the immoral methods he used to pursue his dream. The object of his desire, Daisy, was unworthy of such devotion. Comment on the symbolic nature of Gatsby’s dream and its failure. Gatsby’s attempt to create a life of happiness is symbolic of all men’s attempts to achieve happiness. This is the American dream: “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. Gatsby’s failure is symbolic of the failure of the American dream; the failure of Americans to create and fair, equal, happy society. The dream of happiness has become the pursuit of wealth at any cost which has created a society of extremely wealthy and extremely poor. The wealthy live empty lives going from “nothing to nothing” and the poor lead lives of desperation and desolation (as symbolised by the valley of ashes and its inhabitants Myrtle and Wilson).
4 Choose a novel or short story in which there is a character who is not only realistic as a person but who has symbolic significance in the text as a whole. Show how the writer makes you aware of both aspects of the character.
Comment on the symbolic nature of Gatsby’s dream and its failure Comment on the symbolic nature of Gatsby’s dream and its failure. Gatsby’s attempt to create a life of happiness is symbolic of all men’s attempts to achieve happiness. This is the American dream: “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. Gatsby’s failure is symbolic of the failure of the American dream; the failure of Americans to create and fair, equal, happy society. The dream of happiness has become the pursuit of wealth at any cost which has created a society of extremely wealthy and extremely poor. The wealthy live empty lives going from “nothing to nothing” and the poor lead lives of desperation and desolation (as symbolised by the valley of ashes and its inhabitants Myrtle and Wilson). Comment on the use of symbols and their association with Gatsby such as the green light, cars and colours.
5 Choose a novel in which a central character is flawed but remains an admirable figure. Show how the writer makes you aware of these aspects of personality and discuss how this feature of characterisation enhances your appreciation of the text as a whole.
6 Choose a novel or short story which deals with true love, unrequited love or love betrayed. Discuss the writer’s exploration of the theme and show to what extent it conveys a powerful message about the nature of love.
7 Choose a novel in which the narrative point of view is a significant feature in your appreciation of the text. Show how the writer’s use of this feature enhances your understanding of the central concern(s) of the text.
8 Choose a novel in which the novelist makes use of more than one location. Discuss how the use of different locations allows the novelist to develop the central concern(s) of the text.
9 Choose a novel in which a character seeks to escape from the constraints of his or her environment or situation. Explain why the character feels the need to escape and show how his or her response to the situation illuminates a central concern of the text.
Choose a novel or short story which deals with true love, unrequited love or love betrayed. Discuss the writer’s exploration of the theme and show to what extent it conveys a powerful message about the nature of love.
Choose a novel in which the setting in time and/or place is a significant feature. Show how the writer’s use of setting contributes to your understanding of character and theme.
Choose a novel in which a confrontation between two characters is of central importance in the text. Explain the circumstances of the confrontation and discuss its importance to your understanding of the novel as a whole.
Choose a novel with an ending which you found unexpected. Explain briefly in what way the ending is unexpected and go on to discuss to what extent it is a satisfactory conclusion to the novel.