Waste Management Partnership in Sustainability Will Ibershof Public Sector Manager October 18, 2016
Why am I here tonight? A council member reached out to me What Waste Management can offer Options for the City ©2015 Waste Management
City exploring its options In speaking with a council member I heard the City wants to explore its options on a future solid waste agreement I have spoken to the City Clerk on what services you have and respective costs I hope tonight to share a few options and answer your questions How many of you have had an opportunity to spend time on this site or have heard from our customers about the campaign? I don’t know if you know this but a quick shout out to the public education team….they consulting the campaign and helped corporate identify an ideal PR firm to create the campaign. The PR firm is based in Seattle and Portland and we utilize their services for our RSA work. ©2015 Waste Management
What Waste Management can offer We are very interested in your business We have an operational site in Woodinville that serves the surrounding area We have an in-depth team We would assign a specific individual to be your point person We can offer competitive rates How many of you have had an opportunity to spend time on this site or have heard from our customers about the campaign? I don’t know if you know this but a quick shout out to the public education team….they consulting the campaign and helped corporate identify an ideal PR firm to create the campaign. The PR firm is based in Seattle and Portland and we utilize their services for our RSA work. ©2015 Waste Management
The City can negotiate a new agreement with Republic Options for the City The City can negotiate a new agreement with Republic The City can return to the WUTC with Waste Management The City can enter into an agreement with Waste Management How many of you have had an opportunity to spend time on this site or have heard from our customers about the campaign? I don’t know if you know this but a quick shout out to the public education team….they consulting the campaign and helped corporate identify an ideal PR firm to create the campaign. The PR firm is based in Seattle and Portland and we utilize their services for our RSA work. ©2015 Waste Management
The City decide what direction they wish to go Next steps The City decide what direction they wish to go Waste Management would be able to meet the timeline if the City returns to the WUTC Within the WUTC option there is no contract and the rates are set by the WUTC The current agreement expires on March 1 2017 A new agreement would take longer, but it can be done How many of you have had an opportunity to spend time on this site or have heard from our customers about the campaign? I don’t know if you know this but a quick shout out to the public education team….they consulting the campaign and helped corporate identify an ideal PR firm to create the campaign. The PR firm is based in Seattle and Portland and we utilize their services for our RSA work. ©2015 Waste Management
Thank you Questions? ©2015 Waste Management We help manufacturers discover better ways to manage their waste, maximizing what can be recovered and put to new use. These ideas are no just good for the planet, they're good for business. When we re-imagine waste as a resource, perhaps one day, the word 'waste' will mean something entirely different. Join us. Let's re-imagine waste. Good for the environment and good for business. Thank you. ©2015 Waste Management