Your Development and Relationships: Personal Development
How Personality Develops Personality: The combination of traits that makes you the person you are. Traits: qualities that make you different from everyone else. Heredity: The passing of traits from one generation of family to the next. Environment: Includes everything and everyone around you. Acquired Traits: Traits that develop as a result of your environment.
Feelings are all OK! Anger can give you power to take care of yourself. Guilt can help you change your behavior. Pain can help you grow stronger. Fear can help you protect yourself. However… Anger kept inside too long becomes rage. Fear kept inside too long becomes panic. Pain kept inside too long become helplessness. Guilt kept inside too long becomes shame. Feelings affect the things you do or say. You are responsible for the behavior you choose!
Your Self-Concept Self-Concept: The mental image you have of yourself . Self-Esteem: How you feel about the way you are.
Your Development and Relationships: Your Family
Types of Families Family: A Group of two or more people related to each other. Nuclear: Consists of married couple and their biological/adopted children. Single-parent Family: Includes one parent and one or more children. Stepfamily (blended family): Forms when a single parent marries.
Extended Family: Relatives other than parents and children living together in one home. Adoptive Family: Occurs when an adult brings a child from another family into his or her own family through legal means. Foster Family: Forms when a family temporarily takes care of children because their parents are unable to do so. Childless Family: Consists of a married couple without children.
Your Development and Relationships: Your Friends
Stages of Dating Dating: participating in a activity with a friend of the opposite sex. Group Dating: Several people go to an activity together . Casual Dating: Involves one couple, not a group of people-not exclusive. Steady Dating: Dating only one person exclusively.
Review ?’s List three stages of dating. Describe the difference between love and infatuation.