Photography as Art Students study photography in terms of lighting, composition and camera handling. They create books, projects and a portfolio of photographs that demonstrates what they have learned. They work in both black and white and color. This course is designed for the student to create a diverse portfolio of work while developing creative and technical skills. A materials fee is required.
begin the term very traditionally working in black and white first. The students begin the term very traditionally working in black and white first. They carefully choose subjects, lighting, composition, and approaches based on information covered in class or from reading done on their own. This is an very nice example of the framing of a subject in an environmental portrait.
Subjects and approaches vary but students are encouraged to work outside with available light. Broad expansive landscapes like these make impressive statements about the beautiful area we live in.
Students are encouraged to do close up photography paying special to the effect that either high contrast or soft lighting has on the subject.
“Trick photography” or special effects through a variety of creative techniques is studied and encouraged as a means of self expression. Students may chose to this type of work in either black and white or color.
thoughtfully choose subjects and approaches that Color photography begins in a way similar to the black and white work. Students thoughtfully choose subjects and approaches that interest them and create a wide variety of images. These photos are fine examples of close up photography done in both color and black and white.
Photo essays are done based on a subject, theme or idea Photo essays are done based on a subject, theme or idea. They are put together in handmade books or slide shows. Here are 2 samples of the direction that different photo essays took.
Photographs of animals may be either very formal and posed or very natural and candid. Family pets are often used as subjects.
Students are encouraged to use leading lines as a tool to draw the viewer into a image.
The choice of subject and the effective use of the rules of composition enhances the overall image.
Proper camera handling and timing can make all of the difference in stopping a subject in motion.
Using the concept of altered images allows students the opportunity to use their creative side by transforming their photographs in very interesting ways.
Motion blur is a fun technique to use Motion blur is a fun technique to use. These images were made with manual cameras using a slow shutter speed.
Students are challenged to tell a story and be expressive with their work.