Austria Austria -Hungary -Hungary The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand - the spark that ignited War! Austria Austria -Hungary -Hungary Briefly explain that a murder in a far flung part of Europe eventually dragged all major powers of Europe into the greatest military conflict in world history. Do not mention Alliance system and rivalry yet, we will work back from the event to try and understand why all of Europe got dragged into conflict
The HEIR to the Austrian throne and EMPIRE – What do these terms mean? Archduke Franz Ferdinand May have to give students a definition of the 2 key terms but most should know what they mean. This slide should move on automatically to next one on Franz josef …and Family.
The Emperor of Austria-Hungary Franz Josef I Briefly mention who he was and his beloved son was Franz Ferdinand
The Empire of Austria-Hungary Austria-Hungary’s ally… The Empire of Austria-Hungary Germany This slide outlines the size of the empire, modern day Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia etc. Ask students to consider what problems the Emperor might have trying to keep the Empire under control – hopefully they will come up with concepts of nationalism/patriotism/independence etc. Refer back to the 1990’s when the Balkans was at war etc. Bosnia was a hotspot of trouble and had been for years – click this to sound the alarm and bring the circle/arrow on What problems might the Emperor have controlling his Empire? Bosnia
Gavrilo Princip – a Bosnian Serb We should plot to kill the Archduke on his visit to OUR town Sarajevo and OUR country Bosnia. Bosnia should be ruled by Bosnians not Austria, we should rule ourselves. We should become independent. We are NATIONALISTS – we are fiercely proud to be Bosnian Serbs and want to be free of Austrian control We don’t need Austria. The assassin This slide begins with a menacing sound to Princip as a villain. It outlines his reasons for attacking Austria. Gavrilo Princip – a Bosnian Serb
Try and remember these things before we read on: How it all started... Try and remember these things before we read on: Bosnia did not want to be part of the Austrian Empire. They wanted independence. The Serbians tried to put pressure on the Austrians to let Bosnia leave the Austrian Empire. A group called the Black Hand Gang began to threaten the Austrian Emperor. This slide summarises the differences between Austria, Serbia and Bosnia. Simply an opportunity for students to consolidate their understanding before moving onto the complicated bit
The next few slides are from Horrible History cartoons and are a good, simple visual explanation of the events in June 1914. This first picture shows a young upstart demanding to leave Austria's Empire and an equally belligerent bully not willing to give in. The second picture shows the threat and Austria’s belief that it was of no consequence
Would this threat be more or less likely to get Austria to give in? Why? This slide is suggesting that Bosnians would consider killing someone close to the Emperor to get him to back down Ask students to consider whether this is more or less likely to get Austria to back down and why. Could perhaps relate back to situation with terrorism today.
This slide does what it says – a planned attack against heir to throne, Archduke Franz ferdinand
The next 3 slides are a humours explanation of how the plan seemed to be going wrong until a fortunate twist of fate brought the Archduke Princip. But…
The attempted assassination had gone wrong up until this point The attempted assassination had gone wrong up until this point. Then Gavrilo Princip confronted the Archduke This slide shows the Black Hand Gang as a bunch of incompetent buffoons until a stroke of luck!?
Gavrilo Princip succeeded in shooting the Archduke as well as his wife!!! The next 2 slides show how Princip finally succeeded in killing the Archduke and his wife. There is a suggestion by some historians that this was not just a stroke of luck but that the driver had conspired to help the killers by driving the wrong way down a narrow alley way and took Ferdinand into a trap. The evidence for this theory is not, however, strong.
Austria now declared war on Serbia This slide explains how this eventually led to war between Austria and Serbia. Again, don’t mention why this dragged other countries into conflict
The Archduke's Funeral Procession This slide shows the funeral procession and departs from the humorous approach to a more sombre one – Beethoven’s Funeral march is played as the slide moves onto the last slide
War!!! Why did war break out in 1914? Long term problems and tensions in Europe Patriotism Rival Empires Arms race Alliances War Plans The Kaiser Trigger 28/6/1914 Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand 5/7/1914 – Germany promises to support Austria Hungary if it attacks Serbia 23/7/1914 –Austria Hungary blames Serbia for the murder of the Archduke 28/7/1914 –Austria Hungary attacks Serbia 29/7/1914 – Russia prepares to help Serbia against Austria Hungary 1/8/1914 – Germany declares war on Russia This PPT shows how the long term problems and tensions that existed for over 40 years were ignited into a full scale war when the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked a rapid deterioration in relations over 40 days dragging all the major powers into a conflict. What does this diagram reveal about the causes of World War I – it shows that there are lots of factors that combined and stretch back many years. It also indicates that one particular event triggered off a series of other events. If any of the long term problems had not existed there is a good chance a conflict would not have happened. What do you think was the main cause of the ‘Great War’? Although it was the murder of Ferdinand that sparked a war to break out in 1914, the main cause of war lies in the long standing tension and arguments between the big empires. Their rivalry, alliances and arms race helped to create a bitterly divided Europe into 2 camps. It was likely that at sometime these tensions would erupt into a full scale war and all that was required was a trigger or an excuse. 2/8/1914 – France prepares to help Russia 3/8/1914 – Germany declares war on France and invades Belgium 4/8/1914 – Britain declares war on Germany
Why did war break out in 1914? – Student sheet Long term problems and tensions in Europe Patriotism Rival Empires Arms race Alliances War Plans The Kaiser Trigger 28/6/1914 Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand 5/7/1914 – Germany promises to support Austria Hungary if it attacks Serbia 23/7/1914 –Austria Hungary blames Serbia for the murder of the Archduke 28/7/1914 –Austria Hungary attacks Serbia 29/7/1914 – Russia prepares to help Serbia against Austria Hungary 1/8/1914 – Germany declares war on Russia 2/8/1914 – France prepares to help Russia 3/8/1914 – Germany declares war on France and invades Belgium 4/8/1914 – Britain declares war on Germany