Assassination in Sarajevo,Bosnia Archduke Franz Ferdinand of A-H assassinated in June, 1914 This provided the “spark "that began WWI. By August all of the great powers are at war.
The Lusitania is sunk May 1915- The British passenger ship Lusitania is sunk by a German U-Boat killing 2000 civilians including 128 Americans. Angers American Government. Against rules of war to kill civilians . This “sinks” Germany in the opinion of the world. Germany is the villain and Kaiser Wilhelm is bad guy.
Germany suspends unrestricted submarine warfare. Because of American pressure Germany announces that they will suspend Unrestricted Submarine Warfare. They say they will sink ships only after a warning. Relations between Germany and the US improve.
Zimmerman Note Germany sends a secret telegram to the Mexican govt saying in exchange for an alliance Mexico will get back what the US took during Manifest Destiny. Angers Americans. Calls for war get louder. Wilson still hopes to stay out of war.
Germany resumes Unrestricted Submarine Warfare German generals convince Kaiser Wilhelm that Germany can win the war if all supplies from the US to Britain are cut off by sinking American and English shipping bound for England. The can starve England into quitting war. US breaks diplomatic relations with Germany. US declares war on April 6 1917.
Russia Leaves the war Czar Nicholas 2 abdicates and soon after the Bolsheviks ( communists) under Lenin take over the Russian govt. Lenin withdraws Russia from the war. Germany now has only a one front war. American “ doughboys begin arriving in France. They are called the AEF or American Expeditionary Force led by General John “Blackjack” Pershing.
Wilson’s 14 Point Peace Plan Woodrow Wilson’s Peace Plan Would not place blame on any country. “ War to end all wars” 14th Point- League of Nations- World Organization to prevent future wars. France and England would not go along with the 14 Points- WWI ends November 11, 1918, @ 11:00 AM The Armistice
Treaty of Versailles open in France The “Big Four” GB, France, US and Italy. Germany is a defeated nation Russia is in civil war. They are not represented. The Versailles Treaty is the worst treaty in history. Britain and France made Germany accept full blame for the war “war guilt clause”. This will cause WWII. 33 Billion in Reparations The only significant part of Wilson’s 14 points that was accepted by Britain and France was the League of Nations, but the US Senate refused to allow the US to join. Broke Wilson’s heart.
Big Four: Clemenceau (France), Lloyd George (England), Orlando( Italy) Wilson(USA)
League of Nations Wilson’s 14th Point An organization of all nations with the goal of preventing future war. This was created but the United States did not join. This doomed it. This was a treaty and the Senate did not approve. What do we have today that is similar to the League?
What does this cartoon tell us? Where will it lead the world????
WWII and 50 million deaths