Georgia on geopolitical map and its political choice
Antidiscrimination law never works Marriage is defined as an union of man and woman in the constitution 89% LGBTQ once in their lives have been victim of psychological violence 2014-2016 – Three transgender women were brutally murdered At least one teenager is kicked out of home every month LGBTQ issues are show for media
EQUALITY MOVEMENT (former LGBT Georgia) LGBT Georgia was created 2011 and after five years it became EQUALITY MOVEMENT ACTIVITIVES: Legal, medical, mental and social services for the community HIV/AIDS prevention projects and services PrEP Advocating LGBT rights Community resource center
Mission & Vision Living in a society free of sexism and homophobia, where persons’ gender, gender identity or sexual orientation is not the reason for any kind of violence and LGBTQ persons and women are equal members of the society
Operational areas: 1. Improving access of LGBTQ persons to healthcare services 2. Mobilizing and empowering LGBTQ community and women 3. Forming environment for better integration of LGBTQ persons and women Target groups: 1. LGBTQ persons and activists 2. Women 3. Healthcare and social service providers 4. Media 5. Policy and decision makers 6. Civil society 7. Education sector workers
Institutional Environment of the Organization
Mobilizing LGBT Community for HIV/AIDS Prevention Donor: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria/National Center for Disease Control and Public Health Project activities: Functioning resource-centers in Tbilisi, Zugdidi, Telavi, Batumi and Kutaisi Free HIV testing and condom distribution Informational meetings Leader trainings Medical services Organizational development
Right to Health Donor: ECOM – Eurasian Coalition on Male Health Project Activities: Advocating HIV/AIDS issues Removing legal barriers Research Organizational development
Empowering LGBTQ Community for an Enhanced Access to Justice and Stronger Fight for Equality Donor: Embassy Of The Kingdom Of The Netherlands Project activities: Social worker Legal services Mental services
Strong Organization for Strong Fight for Equality Donor: RFSU - Swedish Association for Sexuality Education Project activities: Reviewing organizational strategy plan Creating internal manual Organizational development
Future Projects PrEP for HIV/AIDS prevention Donor: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria/Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center Project activities: Distributing Truvada for MSM and Transgender community members Informational meetings Awareness raising campaigns about PrEP in Georgia