Forest Measurement 101
Products The tree’s height and diameter determines what volume of wood and what type of product can be made. Using a Biltmore stick you can establish the volume and assess the quality of the tree to determine overall value of the wood. What four things can be manufactured by soft and hardwood trees? Pulpwood Chip-n-saw Sawtimber Veneer
Measurements & Tools Pulpwood and Chip-n-saw are measured in cord volume which is a stack of 4 – foot long pieces of wood that are 4 feet high and 8 feet long. Dimensions of the following wood products: Board foot = 1” thick x 12” wide and 1’ long Log = 16’ and at least 8” diameter Bolt = 8” long and 2 bolts = 1 log Chain = 66’
Measurements & Tools DBH stands for diameter breast height which is a measurement of 4 ½’ above the ground. Where was the Biltmore stick developed? Biltmore School of Forestry in Asheville, NC Other than the Biltmore stick you could use a Clinometer or Altimeter to measure a tree. The Merritt Hypsometer on a Biltomore stick measures height.
Measurement with a Biltmore Stick (always use diameter of tree side) Steps to take a measurement for diameter of a tree: Stand on the uphill side of the tree Hold the Biltmore stick 25” from your eye horizontally at DBH Align the left end of the stick with the left side of the tree Without shifting your head read the numbers that align with the right side Record this number as the diameter of the tree
Measurement with a Biltmore Stick (always use diameter of tree side) Steps to take a measurement for the height of the tree: You should only measure from the top of the stump because you want only merchantable parts of the tree This is 1 foot for hardwoods and 6 inches for softwoods From the base of the tree, stand 1 chain or 66 feet uphill from the tree Holding the Biltmore stick vertically, 25” from your eye Measure from the stump height to the cutoff height (this is where the tree reaches less than 8” in diameter or has a curve or split)
Measurement with a Biltmore Stick (always use diameter of tree side) Steps to take for estimating volume: Use the volume table on your Biltmore stick Read first the DBH then the number of 16 – foot logs For example, a tree with 10 DBH and 2 16-foot logs = 60 board feet Try this volume: 28 DBH and 3 16-foot logs = 850 board feet
How to use a Biltmore Stick Using a Biltmore Stick Video