1960’s Culture
Slogans Give a hoot, don’t pollute. Black is Beautiful Peace We Shall Overcome Make love, not war. America, love it or leave it War is not good for children and other living things
Sayings Sock it to me Hang- ups Groovy Far out “would you believe?” Tell it like it is Blow my mind
Events/Trends Civil Rights Space Program Generation Gap Vietnam War Youth Rebellion Womens Lib Violence Assassinations Consumer Rights Environmental Protection Minority Power
People Hippies Perky Girls Surfers Hard Hats Mr. and Mrs. Middle America
Movies West Side Story Mary Poppins Dr. Zhivago Easy Rider James Bond The Graduate Pink Panther 2001 Space Odyssey True Grit Midnight Cowboy Odd Couple
T.V. Shows Star Trek Twilight Zone Addams Family Beverly Hillbillies I Dream of Jeanie Dick Van Dyke Mission Impossible F-Troop I Spy
Pop Songs Yesterday Michelle Moon River Blowin in the Wind If I had a Hammer Pink Panther theme MaCarthur Park By the time I get to phoenix
Groups Beatles Peter, Paul and Mary Rolling Stones Monkees Beach Boys Gratefull Dead Jimi Hendrix
Leadership JFK LBJ Nixon MLK jr Roman and Martin Ralph Nadar Twiggy Vince Lombardi Tiny Tim
Women Womens Lib Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique Raquel Welch
Dances Twist Swim Watsui Monkey Jerk Shaggy Dogg