Parent eSafety Survey Results
What does your child do when they go online? Watch Videos 36 80% Chat with Friends Play games 31 69% Study or do homework 34 76% Look at and/or post on social media websites 38 84%
Which of the following concerns you about your children being on the Internet? Being hacked 23 51% Bullying 34 76% Coming across inappropriate content 32 71% Unwanted advances-grooming 33 73%
Have you talked to your child about the internet Yes 45 100% No 0%
If your child was being bullied online where would you go for help? Police 19 42% School Helpline 6 13% Other 1 2%
If your son/daughter had a problem online would they know where to go for help? Yes 35 78% No 5 11%
Have you personally ever been the victim of online bullying? Yes 4 9% No 37 82%
Do you know how to check the privacy settings on your children's social media accounts? Yes 33 73% No 8 18%
Do you have any filtering on your home broadband connection (to prevent your children accessing inappropriate material)? Yes 23 51% No 10 22% Not Sure 8 18%
Is there any aspect of Internet safety about which you'd like more advice or guidance?