Work Package 5: Data Acquisition Report from WP-leader Niko Neufeld CERN PH-Department
What and who is WP5? WP5 is groups together the researchers working in the Data Acquisition systems of the 4 large LHC experiments ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb There are 6 ESRs: Adriana Telesca (AT), Jean-Christophe Garnier (JG), Sebastian Bukowiec (SB), Dan Savu (DS), Yi Ling Hwong (YH), Luca Magnoni (LM) There will be 2 ERs: One visiting scientist: Gaetano Maron (GM) 2 Associated partners: Force10 networks, University of Legnaro 6 supervisors + 1 WPL
Data Acquisition at LHC One of the technically most challenging tasks in LHC Vital for the success of the entire experimental programme The ACEOLE ESRs are in key positions
Challenges in the LHC DAQ: what do the ESRs do? 4 huge experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) move up to 100 Gigabyte (equivalent of 1200 CDs) every second Data movement and storage (JG, AT) Data movement is done using a large network (DS) The quality of these data needs to be monitored using thousands of histograms and counters Data quality monitoring (AT) The operation of such a complex experiment requires sophisticated electronic tools such as an electronic logbook CMS logbook (SB) Highly complex systems with thousands of parameters need to be configured and their operation needs to be monitored in an automatized way using advanced IT Expertsystem analyzer (YH) Log analyzer (LM)
WP5 dissemination Conference contributions Schools CHEP 09, CHEP 10 xx conferences contributions (oral & poster) yy papers in peer-reviewed journal (Journal of Instrumentation) RealTime 09, RealTime 10 zz conference contributions (oral & poster) zz papers in peer-reviewed journals (IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science) ICALEPCS09 pp conference contributions (oral & poster) Schools ISOTDAQ Organized largely by the ESRs for students in DAQ Lab-courses developed, taught and supervised by the WP5 ESRs
WP5 specific training Visiting scientist G. Marron ISOTDAQ 2 Seminar / one-on-one training @ CERN Internships with Force10 Autumn , Winter 2010 delayed because of changes within Force10 (new management) Numerous courses / certifications taken by individual ESRs
Cross-over Data Acquisition is closely linked to electronics the next member in what is called the “read-out chain (In particular to what is done in WP4) IEEE RealTime is a conference where electronics for detectors and DAQ people meet There are also contributions from WP5 ESRs (JG) to the TWEPP (electronics) workshop (TWEPP09 and TWEPP10), the leading workshop on electronics in particle physics
Milestones & Deliverables