AMSTRAMGRAM AMélioration de la Section Thermique de capture l’Américium 241 par Mesure intéGRAle dans MINERVE P. Leconte CEA (SPRC/LEPh) A. Gruel, B. Geslot CEA (SPEx/LPE) L. Mathieu CNRS/CENBG A. Plompen, P. Siegler IRMM NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
OUTLINE Context Design of the experimental program Preliminary results Conclusions CEA | 10 AVRIL 2012
NEEDS Project CEA + IRMM + CNRS CONTEXT Collaborative framework NEEDS Project CEA + IRMM + CNRS Improvement of thermal capture xs of Am241 to solve integral vs microscopic inconsistencies CHANDA/WP12 Project CIEMAT + CEA + IRMM Work on samples of common interest for consistent measurement by TOF and oscillation techniques: Am241 and Tc99 I3P CEA + EDF + AREVA Improvement of nuclear data for the validation of the APOLLO2/JEFF3.1.1 code package NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
Current status of evaluations and covariances CONTEXT Current status of evaluations and covariances 99Tc thermal capture 241Am thermal capture JEF-2.2 19.1 b 22.8 ± 1.2 b ENDF/B-VII.0 JEFF-3.1 22.8 b 20.0 ± 1.2 b ENDF/B-VII.1 JEFF-3.2 21.0 b 23.6 b JENDL-4.0 241Am and 99Tc capture are involved in several situations Reactivity of MOX assemblies (Am) Cycle length (both) Burn-Up Credit (both) Both isotopes show differences higher than 5% on the thermal value NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
OUTLINE Context Design of the experimental program Preliminary results Conclusions CEA | 10 AVRIL 2012
DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Sample availability Samples from IRMM (Geel, Belgium) 7 americium oxide in Al2O3 matrix + 3 « dummies » (Al2O3 only) 10 technetium oxide (without matrix) Samples from past MINERVE programmes Burn-Up Credit (natUO2 + 99Tc) OSMOSE (natUO2 + 241Am) 30 mg 241Am / sample 1g 99Tc / sample 10 cm 1 cm 2g 99Tc 60 – 200 mg NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Core configuration Main goal Highest precision (so sensitivity) on the thermal capture cross-section of 241Am and 99Tc Target uncertainty on integral capture cross section: <3% Reactivity worth measurements by the pile-oscillation technique Mesurements in an over-thermalized spectrum Lattice with a water hole at the center New configuration of the MINERVE reactor Exp. zone: MAESTRO AMSTRAMGRAM NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
Overall reactivity worth energy distribution DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Sensitivity calculations Overall reactivity worth energy distribution NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Experimental techniques Lattice neutronic characterization Activation foils (Au, In, Ni…) (238U capture rate / total fission) ratio γ-spectrometry on fuel pins around the water hole Integral xs measurements Oscillations (reactivity effect) Neutron activation (capture rate measurement) Fission cross section ratio measurements 241Am/235U -> special fission chambers with absolute mass deposit calibration NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Mechanical design So… … heterogeneous designs … have to fit in a single common device … in which we can pile-up samples … that must be easy to handle … and must remain watertight watertight sample holder + aluminum wedges for axial positionning new oscillating rod larger diameter, watertight new central device aluminum cylinder NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Mechanical design Am and calibration samples New containers for: void samples (ref.) Al2O3 samples (ref.) Calibration samples + Al wedges of differents sizes NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Mechanical design Tc samples New containers for: void samples (ref.) + special Al wedges of different sizes
DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Mechanical design Calibration samples To avoid the determination of absolute reactivity worrth, all measurements are normalised with calibration samples Must be neutron standard isotopes + to fullfill our mechanical constraints must be: easy to manufacture as metallic foils not too expansive… Gold Usually used in past programs Easy to manufacture Easy to handle Other isotope ? Lithium was chosen NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Neutronic design 1st step: critical configuration Find the number of fuel elements that will fullfill all safety criterias keff all absorbers out Control rods reactivity worth keff of exp. lattice surrounded by graphite %fission in breeding zone 3 types of fuel assemblies 3% UO2 fuel pins 90% and 93% MTR assemblies Keep as possible the core symmetry Based on MCNP calculations NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Neutronic design 2nd step: samples reactivity worth Range of measurement Δρ ≈ 1 to 10 pcm Typical uncertainty of ±0.01 pcm MC direct calculations numerical CV ≈ 3 pcm on keff For Am and Tc MCNP calculations for safety purposes (no choice in the masses) Results were controled with the newly implemented IFP-perturbation method in TRIPOLI4 For Au and Li Calculations for mass determination MC T4 IFP calculations NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Neutronic design Reactivity worth of samples IRMM samples 7 241Am containers MCNP, direct calculation: -2.1 ± 3 pcm TRIPOLI4, IFP-perturbation calculation: -2.08 ± 0.02 pcm 10 99Tc containers MCNP, direct calculation: -18.4 ± 3 pcm Calibration samples (10 mm) 7 natAu disk (thick. 0.25 mm) TRIPOLI4, IFP-perturbation calculation: -11.7 ± 0.2 pcm 7 natAu disk (thick. 0.125 mm) TRIPOLI4, IFP-perturbation calculation: -6.4 ± 0.1 pcm 5 natLi disk (thick. 0.6 mm) TRIPOLI4, IFP-perturbation calculation: -10.6 ± 0.2 pcm 7 natLi disk (thick. 0.2 mm) -5.9 ± 0.1 pcm NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
OUTLINE Context Design of the experimental program Preliminary results Conclusions CEA | 10 AVRIL 2012
PRELIMINARY RESULTS (1/2) 241Am results NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
PRELIMINARY RESULTS (2/2) 99Tc results NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016
OUTLINE Motivation for new measurements on Am and Tc Design of the experimental program Preliminary results Conclusions CEA | 10 AVRIL 2012
AMSTRAMGRAM: a challenging program CONCLUSIONS AMSTRAMGRAM: a challenging program Unusual sample size and mass Lots of mechanical devices to design (most of them from scratch) Experiments are ongoing till end of february A future experimental phase is under consideration Supplying of an Am241 source for neutron activation experiment Manufacturing of a flat fission chamber for capture and fission measurements with the same sample A possible extension to the fast energy range with TAPIRO (ENEA) Transport of Am caps to TAPIRO for neutron activation experiments NEEDS meeting, Paris, 07-08 january 2016