Event Reconstruction and Data Analysis in R3BRoot Framework


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Presentation transcript:

Event Reconstruction and Data Analysis in R3BRoot Framework D.Kresan, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, F.Uhlig, R.Karabowicz GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung Darmstadt, Germany ACAT 2013 May 16 – 21 Beijing, China

Outline Introduction R3BRoot framework Multi-neutron detection FAIR at GSI R3B – Reactions with Rare Radioactive Beams R3BRoot framework Multi-neutron detection Simulation environment Identification matrices Reconstruction algorithm Spectrometer performance Comparison vs. experimental data: s406 beam time Summary 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research CBM PANDA NuSTAR APPA 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

R3B at FAIR 50 institutes from all over the world Reaction studies with exotic nuclei far off stability Focus on nuclear structure and dynamics Astrophysical aspects and technical aplications 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

R3BRoot Software Mohammad Al-Turany, The FairRoot Framework Saturday, May 18-th, Track 1, 17:25 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Simulation Environment NeuLAND (neutrons) DCH (protons) GLAD TOF (fragments) Target Si Tracker CrystalBall (gammas) 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Simulation Environment (2) Geometry: 3000 plastic scintillator bars in 30 double planes (X-Y), 2.5 x 2.5 x 3 m, at 14 or 35 m downstream the target Input: 10k 132Sn (600 AMeV energy) reaction on hydrogen with stripping of 1, 2, 3 or 4 neutrons with 500keV (for calculation of identification matrices) and 100keV (for spectrometry) relative energy Simulation: TGeant3 with gcalor as transport code Calculation of quenching in scintillator Reconstruction Time resolution of 150 ps Attenuation, time decay and integration of created light 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Calorimetric Properties 1n 2n 4n efficiency with one-dimensional cut: 40% 3n to 4n misidentification: 30% 3n 4n 5n 6n 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Expanding to 2D with 2-D cuts: 60% 3n to 4n misID: 10% 4n efficiency with one-dimensional cut: 40% 3n to 4n misidentification: 30% with 2-D cuts: 60% 3n to 4n misID: 10% 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Identification Matrices Cut values in the analysis can be tuned to provide necessary purity/efficiency for specific physics channel 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Reconstruction Algorithm After the decision on the event type, neutron tracking algorithm starts Steps of neutron tracking: Eliminating secondary clusters (hits after elastic scattering of a neutron on proton) 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Reconstruction Algorithm secondary secondary 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Reconstruction Algorithm After the decision on the event type, neutron tracking algorithm starts Steps of neutron tracking: Eliminating secondary clusters (hits after elastic scattering of a neutron on proton) Sorting clusters according to the relative deviation from beam velocity (lower deviation -> higher priority) and cluster energy (higher energy -> higher priority). First cluster always stays first Taking necessary amount of clusters from the top of the sorted list as first interactions Calculation of relative energy from determined momentum of incident neutrons 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Spectrometer Performance 132Sn, 600 MeV/u, 1n, Erel = 100 keV Typical resolution for astrophysics experiments 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Tetra-neutron 132Sn, 600 MeV/u, 4n, Erel = 100 keV Four neutrons close in space and time Design goal resolution is reached in both extreme cases 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

s406 Test Beam Time at GSI Target Magnet NeuLAND Prototype LAND 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

NeuLAND Prototype 146 modules – only vertically oriented 2.5 m long 15 planes (10 modules per plane) Time resolution 150 ps 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Raw QDC Spectra Simulation Experiment 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Energy per Paddle Additional stages of reconstruction (to fit the data): Low QDC thresholds Energy resolution (sigma/E = 4%) Energy saturation (hardware effect) 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Total Energy Deposit Very good agreement of maximum value, shape and minimum ionizing peak Slight discrepancy at lower energies: more background sources in experiment 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Multiplicity Distribution Integration time of contributions from different tracks has the largest impact on multiplicity This parameter in simulation has no equivalent in the experiment 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing

Summary Future R3B experiment at FAIR is fully supported with the simulation software by R3BRoot framework and work is ongoing to provide the tools for data analysis After detailed studies the performance of the neutron ToF spectrometer was significantly improved (TDR accepted by FAIR committee in Jan 2013) After adjusting the reconstruction algorithm, R3BRoot simulations were able to fully reproduce experimental data taken in test beam time in November 2012 18-05-2013 D.Kresan ACAT 2013, Beijing