Tests for Specific Fitness
Vertical Jump Test Tests your explosive strength of your muscles. You need a wall, chalk and a ruler. Stand by the wall sideways on and reach up as high as you can and make a chalk mark. Flex your knees and jump as high as you can and make a mark on the wall. Measure the distance between the original mark and your jumped mark.
Ruler Drop test Tests your speed of reaction. You need a ruler. Your partner holds the zero end of the ruler. Place your hand close to the ruler but not touching it at the 50 cm mark. Your partner lets go without telling you. You must catch the ruler between your thumb and first finger. Record the reading above your first finger.
Balance Test Tests your balance on one leg. You need a gym bench and a stopwatch. Turn the bench upside down and stand on the bar with one leg. Your partner will keep time.
Coordination Test Tests your hand eye coordination. You need two tennis balls. Hold a ball in each hand and start bouncing them together. Count how many times you can get them both to bounce. Record the best result of two attempts.