The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century Notes 1660-1800
Restoration People from England and Europe poured into North America England was exhausted by war and disease, but produced many brilliant works of philosophy, art, and literature.
This era has been labeled: Augustan Age and Neoclassical period: Likened to Rome when Emperor Augustus restored peace and order after Julius Caesar was assassinated. England restored their king and experienced a period of calm and order after an era of political turmoil.
The Enlightenment and Age of Reason People stopped asking “Why?” questions and started asking “How?” questions: how body works and laws of the universe. Natural phenomena explained by scientific observations.
Modern English Prose: Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural Knowledge Called for exact, precise prose Short to the point vs. their predecessors endless sentences John Dryden: “founder and first true master” of modern English prose.
Religious Change Deism: the universe is a perfect mechanism, which God had built and left to run on its own; ex: meteors aren’t a sign from God, rather God didn’t interfere in human affairs Most people still held onto strong views of Christianity.
New Writing Journalism (for the middle class) and First English Novels (something new)
The Age of Satire Satire: a kind of writing that ridicules human weakness, vice, or folly in order to bring about social reform. Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift both used satire to expose the moral corruption & crass (extreme) commercialism of 18th century England.
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) Principal prose writer of early 18th century England’s greatest satirist Obtained a master’s degree from Oxford ordained a priest in the Church of Ireland
Jonathan Swift He did not write for fame or money; most books & pamphlets were published anonymously. Aim in writing: improve human conduct; make people more humane & decent
Swift’s Works Tale of a Tub exposes “gross corruption in religion & learning” Gulliver’s Travels attacks different varieties of human misbehavior. A Modest Proposal his most famous pamphlet
Terms: verbal irony is a contrast between what is said and what is actually meant situational irony contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen dramatic irony contrast between what a character knows and what the reader or audience knows