Declaration of Independence The Three sections of the declaration of independence
How is the Declaration of Independence Like A break up letter? 1) Stated that she (the colonies) was breaking up with him (Britain) and said that she was going to say why. 2) It stated what a "perfect relationship" was supposed to be like. 3) Said what he did wrong 4) Stated what "breaking up" meant (i.e. Don't talk to me anymore. I don't want to see you.)
Preamble – what a perfect relationship is like “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Thomas Jefferson
Preamble – We aren’t working out and we are going to tell you Why In the preamble, Thomas Jefferson explains why the colonies want to separate from England and become a separate group of states. It explains that the government exists to support the rights of men and that when government fails to grant rights to the people and removes the involvement of people, the people have a right to change the government.
The body is divided into three sections: 1) Right of people to govern themselves 2) Grievances 3) Attempts at trying to avoid separation from England
Body- part 1 – You aren’t respecting me 1) Rights of people to govern themselves people are equal and have rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To guarantee these rights, people create governments.
Body part 2 – a list of everything you have done wrong in our relationship 2) Grievances This part includes a list of grievances (or complaints) against the king of England. These included: The king kept an army in the colonies in times of peace The king allowed soldiers to be quartered in the colonist’s homes The king protected soldiers who committed murder The king taxed the colonists without their permission The king took away colonial charters and did not let colonists make laws
Body-part 3 – I’ve tried to work things out with you 3) attempts at trying to avoid separation from England The Declaration states that the colonies’ repeated attempts to try to solve the problems were met with further injuries. The colonies kept reminding the British of the reasons the colonies were founded in the first place and asked for their help. These appeals were ignored and so the British people had to be regarded as enemies.
Conclusion – I am sooo done with you! The conclusion is the formal declaration of separation. It explains that since the colonists’ have provided reasons for separation, political connections to Great Britain will end. As free and independent states, the colonies could wage war, have peace, make agreements with other countries, establish trade and do all the other things free and independent states do. *In support of the Declaration of Independence, the signers pledged their lives, their fortunes and their honor.