Journal: From what we’ve read in class so far, what would you say is one main idea that is forming in the texts? Why do you think this? What type of life or environment do you envision in the early years of our country based off of what you know from these texts?
After Reading After finishing reading with your partner, log on to the canvas site and complete the three activities under “Declaration of Independence” When you finish the partner work, work with your row to complete the activities that accompany the Declaration Group Activities. Your group numbers will be assigned by Ms. Murphy. You will share with the class what your group discovered. After you finish the group activities, complete the independent work.
The Declaration of Sentiments Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the principal writer of the document She, along with Lucretia Coffin Mott and Martha Coffin Wright were responsible for organizing the Seneca Falls Convention The document was highly controversial at the time, as it challenged the conventional social structure It ended up being signed in 1848 by 68 women and 32 men Fought highly for women’s suffrage
Reading Read the “Declaration of Sentiments” (textbook page 110-111) Develop a comparison chart for “The Declaration of Independence” and “The Declaration of Sentiments” (this can be done through a t- chart, a Venn diagram, whatever method of comparison you prefer) Think about the language they use, the issues they are addressing, the structure of the texts, and how they make you as the reader feel Once you have completed that and turned it into the box, complete the questions on the Discussion Board on the “Declaration of Sentiments” segment on Canvas.
Women’s Rights Investigation Have things gotten better? Look up current events articles and locate one that is dealing with or discusses women’s rights. Once you locate one, read through it and identify what specific rights are being broken (if they are listed in either declaration). Type up at least a half-page document explaining the situation, what rights are being broken, and then discuss whether you think Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the other signers of the Declaration of Sentiments would be pleased with how far women’s rights have come.
Anne Bradstreet Move into groups of four and read “To My Dear and Loving Husband” by Anne Bradstreet (pg. 126) First read the poem silently Second write down your initial thoughts about the poem Third read it again, rotating readers for each line Fourth discuss the overall message of the poem as a group What is Bradstreet actually saying? What is the theme of the poem? What is your personal opinion of the poem?
Revisiting Revisit both the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Sentiments. What do you feel the overall theme of each is? Are they the same/similar/different? Create a visual interpretation of the theme from any of the texts that we have read thus far in class.