Happy Valentine`s day!.


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Happy Valentine’s Day!.
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Presentation transcript:

Happy Valentine`s day!

St. Valentine` s Day On February 14 it`s St. Valentine`s Day in Britain. You are supposed to receive lots of cards but they are usually not signed. It`s fun to play a detective and find out who sent you the card! St. Valentine was a martyr (мученик) but this feast goes back to man feast of Lupercalia. The names of young unmarried girls were put into a vase. The young men each picked a name, and discovered the identity (обнаруживать имена) of their brides. This custom came to Britain when the Romans invaded (вторгаться) it. But the Church moved the festival to the nearest Christian saint`s day: this was St. Valentine`s day.

Find the pairs : Romeo– Juliet Tristan – Isolde Othello – Desdemona Cesar – Cleopatra Adam – Eva Руслан – Людмила Бред Пит – Анжелина Джоли Иванушка-дурачек – Елена прекрасная

Make compliments to your friend : Beautiful true Nice Clever Helpful Manly Smiling Loving Caring Attentive

Find congratulation to your Valentine:

Good buy!