An Approach to Healthy Lifestyle 10 Steps to a Healthier You: Pearls from the Pediatric Healthy Lifestyle Center An Approach to Healthy Lifestyle Patricia Barreto, MD, MPH Norma Molina RDN Karina Perez, MS, RDN
Pediatric Healthy Lifestyle Center History Founded in 2003 Part-time pilot Full-time specialty practice 2006 Department of Pediatrics
Pediatric Healthy Lifestyle Center (PHLC) PHLC serves Families of children ages 18 months to 19 years Overweight (BMI > 85%) or obese (BMI >95%) Referred from their primary care providers
Pediatric Healthy Lifestyle Center Vision “Promoting Health and Fostering Healthy Lifestyles for Santa Clara County’s Children and their Families”
Pediatric Healthy Lifestyle Center Mission “To provide high-quality, family-centered, community-linked preventive care, lifestyle management and medical interventions for children and youth at risk for Type II diabetes and other lifestyle related conditions”
Pediatric Healthy Lifestyle Center PHLC Recommendations are based on Expert Committee Recommendations Regarding the Prevention, Assessment and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity* *Pediatrics Vol. 120 Supplement December 2007 p. S164-S192
PHLC: Focus on fostering behavior change Dietary Intake Breastfeeding for the first 12 months or longer Limit or eliminate consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages Eat the recommended quantities of fruits and vegetables Physical Activity Limit television and screen time to no more than 2 hrs/day Remove television and other screens from children’s bedrooms Moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least 60 minutes a day the following evidence-based areas (See 10 Steps to a Healthier You):
Pediatric Healthy Lifestyle Center Eating Behaviors Eat breakfast every day Limit eating out, especially at fast food restaurants Have regular family meals Foster a healthy relationship with food by focusing on appropriate feeding dynamics at mealtime
Pediatric Healthy Lifestyle Center Evidence-based recommendations with additional ‘pearls’ from our PHLC practice ‘10 Steps to a Healthier You’ framework See posters and brochures
Focus on balanced growth The PHLC Approach No focus on weight Focus on balanced growth No diets Focus on eating healthy foods No “exercise” Focus on fun physical activity and play No deprivation Focus on habits that fit the individual family and that the child and family enjoy
PHLC Philosophy/Approach ABC’s Asset-based All families/communities have strengths that can facilitate success Belief that families want to be healthy Need tools, skills, support, and resources to make changes Community-linked Relationships with community resources are vital to treatment/intervention
PHLC is Family Focused Focus on changes for the entire family Take pressure off child and reduce conflict and anxiety in the home Child does share age-appropriate responsibility
Building Capacity in the Community to Implement Healthy Lifestyles Currently PHLC see and treats children AFTER that have developed a medical condition related to their lifestyle We help families adopt a NEW lifestyle by provide education, resources and facilitating lifestyle skills “In order to provide more primary prevention for childhood obesity in Santa Clara County, the Healthier Kids Foundation of Santa Clara supported PHLC staff in developing a pilot training program designed to enhance the capacity (skills) for implementing healthy lifestyle behaviors among “upstream audiences”, or populations that have not yet developed BMI >85%.
Collaboration with Healthier Kids Foundation of Santa Clara County Collaborated to design a curriculum help families develop skills to establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle habits BEFORE children develop a medical condition related to their lifestyle Building capacity in the community Primary prevention
Building Capacity in the Community to Implement Healthy Lifestyles Curriculum presents evidence-based recommendations for the prevention and treatment of obesity (WHAT) Practical approaches to implementing the recommendations (HOW)
Collaboration with Healthier Kids Foundation of Santa Clara County The pilot included an evaluation to assess the impact of the training on healthy lifestyle behaviors Assess PHLC messaging for audiences that have not been referred to PHLC
‘10 Steps to a Healthier You’ curriculum 3 8-hour training sessions were held with participants. Training sessions were designed to be interactive and experiential. Overall, the participants gave the training session high evaluation scores (see first five evaluation class report).
‘10 Steps to a Healthier You’ curriculum Participants mentioned the following experiences as being high impact: “Back to basics” concept
Who’s Healthier? ¿Quién es más saludable? Ask – how can you tell? ASK the group
Hábitos Impacta la Salud TV Video Games Computer Habits Impact Health Hábitos Impacta la Salud Snacks Bocadillos Drinks bebidas
‘10 Steps to a Healthier You’ curriculum High impact experiences: Modeling healthy food and beverages tasting water with cucumber/mint (no sugar) experiencing a meal without any processed or packaged foods
‘10 Steps to a Healthier You’ curriculum High impact experiences: Seeing the amount of sugar in common beverages Demonstrated with the amount of sugar per beverage measured out and displayed/discussed including sodas, sports drinks juices
‘10 Steps to a Healthier You’ curriculum High impact experiences: Seeing the amount of fat in common packaged snacks
‘10 Steps to a Healthier You’ curriculum High impact experiences: The concept of “trick foods”: highly processed foods added salt, sugar and fat promote cravings lack nutritional value and fiber do not satisfy hunger compete with fruit and vegetables
Unhealthy Processed/Packaged Snacks Bocadillos Procesados Now let’s look at…. What surprises you about what you see? 25 25
‘10 Steps to a Healthier You’ curriculum High impact experiences: Experiencing through role-playing the thoughts and feelings of a child that is told they cannot eat more pushed to eat more than they would like to eat Role play reinforces concepts of the division of responsibility (of the healthy options presented).?????
‘10 Steps to a Healthier You’ curriculum Quantitative evaluation found statically significant decrease: amount packaged/processed foods offered to children (crackers), amount of juice served to children decrease in inappropriate pressure to eat vegetables Due to the role playing
‘10 Steps to a Healthier You’ curriculum Next Steps: Modify/update ‘10 Steps to a Healthier You’ curriculum and roll-out schools clinics community centers