The Natural Resources of Africa Ms. Alston 6th Grade Science Bluford Drew Jemison STEM Academy
Do Now: Part Two Think about the word “Africa”. On your “Do Now” sheet, write the first five words that come to mind.
Objective: SWBAT recognize and compare how different parts of Africa have varying types of natural resources We will apply our knowledge of natural resources to the study of Africa.
This Week… You will be introduced to the African country of Kenya We will discuss Kenya’s natural resources We will venture into the world of social science by studying the film “The Boys of Baraka”
Think-Pair-Share What does any of this have to do with science? Why is the study of natural resources scientific? Grab a partner and discuss the above mentioned questions. Be prepared to share with the class.
Let’s Review What is a natural resource? What is a renewable resource? A natural resource is a substance that derived naturally from the earth. What is a renewable resource? Renewable resources are natural resources that are continually recycled or replaced constantly in nature. What is a non-renewable resource? Nonrenewable resources are those that are used up more quickly than they can be replaced by natural processes.
Africa: Quick Facts Second largest and second most populous continent Africa has 56 countries and 1 billion residents Scientists discovered the remains of the very first human beings in Africa
Kenya East African country with a population of nearly 41 million people. The city of Nairobi is the capital of Kenya
Kenya’s Natural Resources Kenya boasts plenty of the following natural resources: Gold Limestone Garnets Renewable Water Resources Hydropower
Environmental Concerns Depletion of mineral resources Water Pollution
Social Science: An overview Social Science is a branch of science that is concerned with how people think, feel, and behave. We will begin our study of social science by completing a film study of “The Boys of Baraka”
The Boys of Baraka True story of a group of extraordinary 12- year-old boys from Baltimore They are chosen to attend a school in Kenya, 10,000 miles away from everything they have ever known. This film documents their time at the Kenyan school, and the profound effect it had on their lives Let’s watch…
Homework Think of the images you viewed today in the film. What are your thoughts on the how Baltimore is portrayed in the film? How are the neighborhoods in the film similar or different from your neighborhood? What do you think causes the similarities or differences.