EAPN Migration Task Force Towards a rights-based approach to migration and poverty
TF Migration Who’s involved, Main Objectives (ToR), What we’ve done Today What we are going to do
Who’s involved Rachele Bezzini (EAPN IT) Robin Hanan (EAPN IE), Giacomo Manca (Eurodiaconia), Magnus Pålsson (EAPN SE) Aleksandra Selak-Zivkovic (EAPN Croatia), Stefan Stefanovic (EAPN Serbia) Kadri Soova (PICUM), Coordination Eleni Karaoli (EAPN CY), Coordination Sian Jones (EAPN Policy Coordinator), Mariaam Bhatti (EAPN Policy Intern).
Main Objectives To build capacity and a better shared understanding of the context and issues for EAPN around migration, asylum seekers and refugees; To build consensus around common messages for a rights-based EAPN position towards national and European institutions in order to protect human rights in the countries of origin as well as towards asylum seekers, refugees and migrants facing poverty and exclusion in the EU. To develop an initial Advocacy Strategy at national and EU level base on anti-discrimination/racism as well as anti-poverty.
What we’ve done Development of a background briefing and discussion paper to: Clarify key definitions and concepts; Set the EU and national policy framework and latest developments; Highlight the overarching data/ latest trends around migration, refugees and asylum seekers and the link with poverty and discrimination, including regarding specific groups/concerns ex. Gender. Give short case studies - examples of EAPN national and EO members engagement/positions. Identify key issues/challenges for EAPN as a basis for discussion.
Today A structured workshop with the EUISG/EXCO, including a short report. this will build on the briefing/discussion paper with the aim to build capacity, promote mutual exchange on current experiences, and at the end of our meeting today we hope that we will be able to Draft advocacy strategy and some key messages for national and EU level.
What we are going to do Prepare an advocacy strategy and EAPN position paper drawn from the key messages/recommendations from the workshop.